What is another word for peaceful?

What is another word for peaceful?

Frequently Asked Questions About peaceful Some common synonyms of peaceful are calm, placid, serene, and tranquil. While all these words mean “quiet and free from disturbance,” peaceful implies a state of repose in contrast with or following strife or turmoil.

How do you describe a peaceful person?

Serene, tranquil, relaxed, unruffled, unperturbed, unflustered, undisturbed, unagitated, unmoved, unbothered, untroubled. equable, even-tempered, imperturbable, quiet, steady. placid, peaceful, sedate, unexcitable, impassive, dispassionate, unemotional, phlegmatic, stolid.

What is extreme happiness called?

Elation is more than mere happiness — it is extreme, exhilarating joy.

How do you say extreme happiness?

Synonyms for Extreme happiness

  1. elation. n.
  2. seventh heaven. n.
  3. buzz. n.
  4. euphoria. n.
  5. high spirits. n.
  6. delight. n.
  7. exultation. n.
  8. heaven of heavens. n.

What word goes with happiness?


  • beatitude,
  • blessedness,
  • bliss,
  • blissfulness,
  • felicity,
  • gladness,
  • joy,
  • warm fuzzies.

What is a better word for joy?

What is another word for joy?

happiness delight
bliss triumph
ecstasy felicity
elation enjoyment
euphoria glee

Is miser a bad word?

Miser. Miser was originally used as an adjective meaning “stingy” or “penurious,” as in “a miser father.” As an adjective, it is still occasionally used; however, the synonymous miserly is used much more frequently. The related noun form begins being used by mid-16th century in reference to a wretched, miserable person …

What do u call cheap people?


  • cheapskate.
  • meanie.
  • misanthrope.
  • misanthropist.
  • miser.
  • moneygrubber.
  • niggard.
  • penny-pincher.

What is it called when you hate spending money?

Chrometophobia is the extreme fear of money. Also known as chrematophobia, it encompasses everything from the fear of spending money and the fear of thinking about money, to even the fear of touching money. It combines the Greek word chermato, which means “money,” and the Greek word phobos, which means “fear.”

Is stingy an insult?

Both words tell us something about the manner in which a person spends his money. Of the two, ‘stingy’ has a negative connotation. A ‘stingy’ individual is someone who has money, but is very reluctant to part with it. Frugal is a much more positive word than ‘stingy’.

What do you call a person who like spending money?

A spendthrift (also profligate or prodigal) is someone who is extravagant and recklessly wasteful with money, often to a point where the spending climbs well beyond his or her means. …

What is a stingy person called?

Some common synonyms of stingy are close, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, and penurious.

What does wastrel mean?

1 : vagabond, waif. 2 : one who expends resources foolishly and self-indulgently : profligate.

What does prudent mean?

: characterized by, arising from, or showing prudence: such as. a : marked by wisdom or judiciousness prudent advice. b : shrewd in the management of practical affairs prudent investors.

What is a prudent wife?

The Biblical definition of prudence A prudent wife shows many qualities of a wise woman. A wise wife controls her emotions. A Prudent Wife understands situations with godly wisdom. and a godly wife acts in ways that cause her life and the lives of others to prosper.

Is prudent positive or negative?

prudent – (positive) a person who avoids taking risks and is careful. cowardly – (negative) a person who is too scared to take risks.

Is prudent a good thing?

Describe an action as prudent if it is the wise thing to do under the existing circumstances. If you’re getting in trouble, it is probably prudent to keep your mouth closed and just listen. If you show good and careful judgment when handling practical matters, you can be described as prudent.

Is prudent a strength?

Prudence is a strength within the virtue category of temperance, one of six virtues that subcategorize the 24 strengths. Temperance describes strengths that help you manage habits and protect against excess. The other strengths in Temperance are forgiveness , humility , prudence , and self-regulation .

What does overly prudent mean?

adjective. wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober. careful in providing for the future; provident: a prudent decision.

How do we use prudence in life?

Use problem solving and critical thinking to settle disputes between family members. Practicing prudence means practicing counsel, judgement, and decisiveness. You can be prudent at home by offering counsel to family members who are arguing and using good judgement to try to settle any disputes.

What is prudence example?

Prudence is defined as the act of being careful, often with money. An example of prudence is checking your bank account before you spend money. The quality or state of being prudent; wisdom in the way of caution and provision; discretion; carefulness; hence, also, economy; frugality.