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What is the Spanish American word for coffee shop?

What is the Spanish American word for coffee shop?

“Café” as a coffeehouse has obviously been adopted to the English language, and probably the Spanish language as well. But “cafetería” is the more traditional Spanish term for coffeehouse.

What are cafes called in Spain?


What do you call a coffee shop?

A coffeehouse, coffee shop, or café is an establishment that primarily serves coffee (of various types, e.g. espresso, latte, cappuccino). Some coffeehouses may serve cold drinks such as iced coffee and iced tea; in continental Europe, cafés serve alcoholic drinks.

Is it El or LA Cafe?

The Spanish noun café (pronounced: kah-FEH), which means ‘coffee,’ is masculine, so it must be used with the masculine articles el (‘the’) or u…

Is Banana masculine or feminine?

The gender of banane is feminine. E.g. la banane.

What is mango called in Spanish?

Translation of mango in Spanish

English Spanish
the mango el mango

Is Apple in French feminine or masculine?

Answer and Explanation: The word fruit in French is a masculine noun, and uses masculine articles with it. For example, the sentence ‘An apple is a fruit’ is Une pomme est un…

Is Apple feminine or masculine in Spanish?

Fruit, trees, and gender

Feminine fruit Masculine tree
banana banano
manzana ‘apple’ manzano
cereza ‘cherry’ cerezo
pera ‘pear’ peral

What does feminine mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : female sense 1a(1) 2 : characteristic of or appropriate or unique to women feminine beauty a feminine perspective. 3 : of, relating to, or constituting the gender that ordinarily includes most words or grammatical forms referring to females a feminine noun.

Is Apple male or female?

As the bee visits different flowers it becomes coated with pollen, which gets transferred to other flowers on other trees. Although the apple blossom has both male and female parts (the apple tree is a hermaphrodite), it is self-incompatible. Apple trees require cross-pollination (Browning 1998, p. 19).

Why is Carne feminine in Spanish?

Why is meat “la carne” and not “el carne”? Because it is a feminine noun. Remember when a noun starts with a vowel like a it uses el even if it is feminine like el agua but las aguas negras.

Is El Agua masculine or feminine?

Agua is feminine, however, because of this pronunciation issue with the two vowels side-by-side, it’s actually ‘el agua’. Since it is truly feminine, the phrase ‘el agua pura’ is correct. Pura needs to be in the feminine form because agua is feminine, but you’ll use to masculine article el to break the double vowels.

Is tomato masculine or feminine?

COUNTABLE: one tomato, two tomatoes, tomatoes = une tomate, deux tomates, des tomates UNCOUNTABLE: some meat, a piece of meat, a portion of meat = de la viande, un morceau de viande, une portion de viande. Thanks! How can I know when to use “le” or “la”? “le” is for masculine words and “la” for feminine.

How do you say tomato in Mexico?

10 Answers Jitomate is synonymous with what we know as a tomato today, though it is a regional word most commonly used in southern mexico.

Is Concombre masculine or feminine?

Concombre, masculine noun (un concombre, le concombre, des concombres) = cucumber (pronounced cawn-cawm-b-re, you only hear the n and the m minimally, in fact the two syllables are pronounced virtually identically, the stress is very slightly on the second syllable).

Is Oignon masculine or feminine?

“Un oignon” is masculine.

Is Sucre masculine or feminine?

Sucre is a feminine word in French.

Is Fromage masculine or feminine?

Answer and Explanation: The word for cheese is a masculine noun: le fromage. Because fromage is masculine, masculine articles must be used with it, and here, it is used with…

Is mayonnaise masculine or feminine?


English French
mayonnaise mayonnaise (feminine noun)

Is Pomme masculine or feminine?

From Old French pomme, pome, pume, from Latin pōma, plural of pōmum, reanalyzed as a feminine singular.

What does Pomme stand for?

Potsdam Magnetic Model of the Earth

What is pomme?

Pomme or pommes may refer to: Apple in French. Pomme, a green (vert) roundel in heraldry. Pomme de terre, Potato in French. Pommes fondant, Fondant potatoes.

What gender is Apple in German?


What gender is die?
