What does Kino mean in Kamba?

What does Kino mean in Kamba?

KINO is an abusive word in kikamba meaning ass.

What does Kamba mean in English?

Kamba in American English 1. an agricultural people of central Kenya, renowned as traders and woodcarvers. 2. the Bantu language of the Kamba.

How do you say I miss you in Kamba?

We missed you. ‘” Ko tũteĩla kũmwona tene!

How do you say goodnight in Kamba?

When wanting to send someone off to bed in Machakos just say ‘kama nesa. ‘ This means goodnight.

What is I love you in Kisii?

Bwakire buya – good morning. 2. Bwairire Buya – Good night. 3. Gwachete – i love you.

How do you say no in Luo?

A collection of useful phrases in Dholuo (Luo), a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in Kenya, Sudan and Tanzania. Key to abbreviations: frm = formal, inf = informal, sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person)….Useful phrases in Dholuo.

Phrase Dholuo
No Dawe Tawe
I don’t know Ok ang’eyo
I understand Aniang

How do you say hi in Meru?

The usual Kimeru greeting is Muga, and the response is Muga Mono. (Depending on the part of Meru you come from, like our Igembe side, it could be Mua and Mua Muno). Now, Muga can be used any time of the day or night.

What do Meru call their god?

God. The Meru have always been monotheistic, and traditionally believed that God (variously called Arega kuthera, Baaba weetu (Our Father), and Murungu) was essentially good, and could do them no harm.

What language does Meru speak?


What are you saying in Kikuyu?

Useful phrases in Kikuyu

Phrase Gĩkũyũ (Kikuyu)
Hello (General greeting) wĩmwega
Hello (on phone) wĩmwega
How are you? ũhana atĩa?
Reply to ‘How are you?’ ndĩmwega

How do you say good in Kikuyu?

A collection of useful phrases in Kikuyu (Gĩkũyũ), a Bantu language spoken mainly in the Central Province of Kenya….Useful phrases in Kikuyu.

Phrase Gĩkũyũ (Kikuyu)
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) ngeithi cia mũthenya
Good evening (Evening greeting) ngeithi cia hwainĩ
Good night koma wega

How do you say goodbye in Kikuyu?

A collection of useful phrases in Kikuyu (Gĩkũyũ), a Bantu language spoken mainly in the Central Province of Kenya….Useful phrases in Kikuyu.

Phrase Gĩkũyũ (Kikuyu)
Goodbye (Parting phrases) tigoi na wega
Good luck! nĩwega

How do you say Grandma in Kikuyu?

“Cucu” is the Kikuyu word for grandmother.

What does Shosho mean in Swahili?


What do you call your grandparents in Greek?

The most commonly used Greek term for grandmother is yia-yia, sometimes rendered as ya-ya. These may also be spelled as separate words: yia yia and ya ya — or without the hyphen — yiayia and yaya. These are, of course, phonetic or Americanized spelling since the Greek language uses a different alphabet from English.

What does Opa mean in Greek?

Opa! Is an expression often used in Greek celebrations, weddings and dancing. It means joy, hooray or cheers.