Why does Thoreau think of imprisonment?

Why does Thoreau think of imprisonment?

In his book “Resistance to Civil Government” (“Civil Disobedience”) he argues that imprisonment is ineffective because in his own experience the government could imprison his body, but his mind and his spirit would always remain free.

Why does Thoreau think imprisonment is ineffective Brainly?

Explanation: Henry David Thoreau believes that imprisonment is not effective because the mind cannot be imprisoned. Therefore, he believes that although his body is imprisoned, there is no way in which the authorities would be able to control his thoughts.

What does Thoreau mean when he says he wished to live deliberately?

Living deliberately means that you follow a path, but you designed it yourself. You state where you want to go and develop a strategy to get there.

Who said I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately?


Why does Thoreau hate the news?

Thoreau’s basic gripe about news seemed more about its quality than its quantity. He seemed to fear that as news traveled faster, it would become less substantive. And his concern about coverage of serious events was really an argument for better context, not a callous disregard for his fellow humans.

How does the author respond to people’s interest in the news?

How does the author respond to people’s interest in the news, as shown in paragraph 3? He mocks the news and the people who obsess over it, implying that they are blind to life and reality because of their news obsession. for reality and the true meaning of living.

What is meant by quiet desperation?

Quiet desperation is acceptance of–and surrendering to–circumstances. Quietly desperate lives are frustrated, passive, and apathetic. They’re unfulfilled and unrealized.

Does Walden Pond still exist?

Today, Walden Pond comprises the heart of the Walden Pond State Reservation and is designated a National Historic Landmark, ensuring that visitors can enjoy the area as Thoreau once did.