At what point does Mama say that Walter has finally achieved his manhood?

At what point does Mama say that Walter has finally achieved his manhood?

Raisin 2

At what point does Mama say that Walter has finally achieved his “manhood When he tells Mr. Lindner that they will move to Clybourne Park no matter what
What happens to the money that Walter invests in the liquor store Willy Harris runs off with it

What does Mama mean when she says that Walter finally come into his manhood?

What does Mama mean when she observes that Walter has finally “come into his manhood”? Does Ruth agree? Do you? She means that Walter finally cares about his family over money.

What has Walter done with the money Mama entrusted to him?

What did Walter do with the money Mama gave him for his liquor store? He gives it to Willy Harris but he scams them and takes the money. Walter’s family is absolutely disgusted by Walter until he stands up to Lindner and refuses the offer to live outside the white neighborhood.

How did Walter Lee lose the money?

Walter is a dreamer, and he wants to use the money to fulfill of his dream of opening a liquor store. Indeed, he does end up losing the money when the liquor store plan winds up being a scam. Willy Harris, one of his supposed business partners, takes it.

How much money did Walter White end up with?

In the end of Season 5, it is revealed that Walter White earned a little over 80 Million Dollars in hard cash. Out of that money, he gave 5 Million to Jesse Pinkman simply out of guilt.

How much money did mama want Walter to put away for Beneatha’s schooling?

It turns out that Walter had invested not only his $3,500 but also the $3,000 intended for Beneatha’s education. Mama is livid and begins to beat Walter in the face.

Why does Mama say she bought Travis a house?

His grandma hugs him and explains that she bought him a house. Ruth pushes Travis out of the room and expresses her delight in Lena’s purchase. Mama justifies it by saying the houses are much cheaper there.

What is Mama’s plant a metaphor for?

The most overt symbol in the play, Mama’s plant represents both Mama’s care and her dream for her family. In her first appearance onstage, she moves directly toward the plant to take care of it.

How old is Travis Younger?

Travis is ten years old in A Raisin in the Sun. Travis Younger is the son of Walter Lee and Ruth, the three of them along with Walter Lee’s sister,…

Who died in raisin in the sun?

It is unclear how Claude died in the play A Raisin in the Sun. The child’s death occurs before the events of the play; Mama attributes the loss of…

What type of character is Travis Younger?

The son of Walter Lee and Ruth, Travis is the youngest member of the family. A “sturdy, handsome” boy of about ten years old, Travis sleeps on a make-down bed in the Youngers’ living room. Travis is a good-natured and persistent young boy who, for the most part, obeys his parents and grandmother.

How do Mama and Walter each want to spend the insurance money?

Younger’s life insurance policy. Each of the adult members of the family has an idea as to what he or she would like to do with this money. Mama’s son, Walter Lee, would rather use the money to invest in a liquor store with his friends. He believes that the investment will solve the family’s financial problems forever.

How is beneatha different from other younger family members?

Beneatha is a staunch proponent of Pan-Africanism and is opposed to assimilation, while the other members of her family judge their success based on American standards. She values her African ancestry and even dresses in traditional African garb while wearing a natural hairstyle, which is something Walter Jr.

How does Walter Lee Younger come into his manhood?

Walter comes into his manhood as he looks first at Travis and then Mr. Lindner. He makes the right decision based on what is best for the family. For once, he is thinking about others and not himself.

What is Walter supposed to do with the money Mama gives him?

What did Walter do with the money Mama gave him for his liquor store? He gives it to Willy Harris but he scams them and takes the money. Invest in a liquor store with his friends because he believes it will solve their financial problems.