At what time of day does the stranger arrive at the house in where is here?

At what time of day does the stranger arrive at the house in where is here?

At what time of day does the stranger arrive at the house? The stranger arrives at dusk. In what ways does this choice add to the air of mystery surrounding the stranger? HIs arrival in the darkness adds an aura of mystery to the stranger.

What is the story where is here about?

“Where Is Here” is a short story that tells the journey of an old man who appears on the front porch of a family of 4. The stranger knocks and a man opens the door, the father. He asks what the stranger needs and the stranger explains that the house once belonged to his parents and that he grew up there.

How does the stranger react when he sees the window seat in where is here?

How does the stranger react when he sees the window seat? How does this reaction compare and contrast with his behavior in the boy’s bedroom? He shows deep emotion and is acting strange. More strangely when he is in the bedroom.

What is the theme of Where is here?

Answer and Explanation: Joyce Carol Oates’s short story “Where Is Here?” explores themes of violence and masculinity.

Where is here main idea?

Theme. There are many ways to infer the theme of this short story, but I believe the theme was domestic violence. The visitor was there to warn the boy that his father was abusive, and it was going to get much worse.

Where is here setting quizlet?

The setting of the story is a quiet neighborhood in November. Enduring pain and hardship without showing ones feeling or complains. Why does the stranger come to visit the house?

Where is here Author?

Joyce Carol Oates

When was where is here written?


What genre is where is here?

Domestic Fiction

Which of the following best describes the father’s state of mind when the stranger in where is here wanders around outside the house?

Which of the following best describes the father’s state of mind when the stranger in “Where Is Here?” wanders around outside the house? The father is delighted to show the property off to the stranger and regrets not inviting him inside.

Where do many Gothic novels take place?

Where do many gothic novels take place? in the middle of nowhere.

What is the weather like in most gothic novels?

What is the weather like in many Gothic novels? Awful – combination of rain, wind, fog, mist, and thunder. Windy + Stormy are the most common.

What are Gothic characters like?

Characteristics of the Gothic Novel

  • Gloomy, decaying setting (haunted houses or castles with secret passages, trapdoors, and other mysterious architecture)
  • Supernatural beings or monsters (ghosts, vampires, zombies, giants)
  • Curses or prophecies.
  • Damsels in distress.
  • Heroes.
  • Romance.
  • Intense emotions.