Can you lift the bits of paper with a plastic comb Why?

Can you lift the bits of paper with a plastic comb Why?

Initially the comb is electrically neutral. So it has no effect on the tiny pieces of paper. When the comb is rubbed on a dry cloth, it gets electrically charged. This charged comb exerts an electric force on the tiny pieces of paper and attracts them.

Why does a comb attract small pieces of paper?

You can observe static electricity if you run a plastic comb through your hair, then place the comb near small pieces of paper. The paper is attracted to the comb. This happens because the charged comb induces an opposite charge in the paper and as opposite charges attract, the paper sticks to the comb.

What happened to the bits of paper placed near the comb?

Explanation: The first time you brought the comb near the paper bits, nothing happened, but when you combed your hair, you gave the comb a charge of static electricity Then, when you brought the comb near the paper bits, they were attracted to the comb because of this charge.

What type of electricity attracted the bits of paper to the comb at first?

ANSWER: The paper is initially attracted to the comb because the comb causes separation of charge in the paper. The part of the paper pieces with positive charge is attracted to the comb. When the paper touches the comb, some of the excess negative charge in the comb is transferred to the paper.

What will happen if the plastic rod is rubbed with a piece of wool?

When you rub the plastic rod (polyethylene terephthalate, glycol modified, or PETG) with the wool cloth, the rod charges negative. When you rub the glass rod with the silk, the rod charges positive. The Coulomb, the unit of electrostatic charge, is named after him.

What is a rod with no charge called?

An atom is electrically neutral – has no overall electrical charge .

How does a plastic rod gain charge when rubbed?

When a polythene rod is rubbed with a duster, the friction causes electrons to gain energy. Electrons gain enough energy to leave the atom and ‘rub off’ onto the polythene rod. The polythene rod has gained electrons, giving it a negative charge. The duster has lost electrons, giving it a positive charge.

When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod?

When the glass rod is rubbed with silk clothes, glass quickly loses electrons, and silk takes electrons out of the glass rod. So after rubbing, the glass rod becomes positively charged and the silk gets negative charge.

What happens when someone rubs glass rod with a piece of silk and is brought near a negatively charged paper cylinder?

Answer 1: When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk it acquires a positive charge and when it is brought near a negatively charged paper cylinder it attracts it towards it. All the negative charges will be transferred into his/her body.

Why does a glass rod become positively charged when rubbed with a silk cloth?

When the glass rod is rubbed with silk, the silk strips electrons from the rod, leaving it a positive charge. When the hard rubber rod is rubbed with wool, it gains electrons from the wool, gaining a negative charge.

What happens when an Ebonite rod is rubbed with silk?

When an ebonite rod rubbed with fur it acquires negative charge and when glass rod is rubbed with silk cloth it acquires positive charge. Therefore, they will attract.

Why does glass rod loses electrons when rubbed with silk?

The core has positive charge, the electrons have negative charge. When you are rubbing the glass rod with the silk cloth, electrons are stripped away from the atoms in the glass and transferred to the silk cloth. This leaves the glass rod with more positive than negative charge, so you get a net positive charge.

Why does a glass rod become positively charged when it is rubbed with a silk cloth a the electrons from the glass rod are transferred to the silk cloth b the protons from the glass rod are transferred to the silk cloth C all the charges from the glass rod are transferred to the silk cloth D all?

When glass rod is rubbed with a silk cloth, there is transfer of electrons from the glass rod to the silk cloth. Hence, the glass rod becomes positively charged because of loss of electrons and silk cloth becomes negatively charged because of gain of electrons. This method of charging is known as charging by friction.

When a plastic rod is rubbed with a piece of flannel the rod acquires a negative charge what happened to the plastic rod?

Plastic comes below fur in the frictional series of electric charges. So, fur will get positive charge and plastic rod will get the negative charge.

When hair is combed with a hard rubber comb?

Electricity and Magnetism Test

When hair is combed with a hard rubber comb, the hair becomes positively charged because the comb removes electrons from the hair
A positively charged body must have a deficiency of electrons
A device commonly used to detect the presence of a static electric charge is an electroscope

What are the three ways by which static charge is produced?

Static buildup consists of the following three major types.

  • Contact Static Buildup. This is the static buildup that occurs when two objects come into contact with each other and electrons are transferred from one object to the other.
  • Frictional Static Buildup.
  • Detachment Static Buildup.

What are the three methods of electrification?

There are three ways to charge an object: friction, conduction and induction.

What are the three ways of charge transfer?

Three ways electrons can be transferred are conduction, friction, and polarization. In each case, the total charge remains the same. This is the law of conservation of charge.

What are the two types of charging methods?

There are two types of electric charge: positive charge and negative charge.

What charges can be transferred?

Key terms. Charge is neither created nor destroyed, it can only be transferred from one system to another. Materials that permit electrons to move freely through them, such as most metals.

What are the three types of charges?

Matters can be charged with three ways, charging by friction, charging by contact and charging by induction.

Is it possible to transfer all the charge?

Yes It is possible to transfer all the charges from a conductor to another conductor for example if we take a charged conducting sphere and place it inside a hollow conductor while both are them in contact then all the charges will get transferred to the hollow conductor as charges always resides only on the surface of …

What is the process of transfer of charges from a charged body to the Earth called?
