Do commas always go before but?

Do commas always go before but?

You should only put a comma before “but” when connecting two independent clauses.

What are the 5 Rules of commas?

Five Comma Rules

  • Use a comma after an introductory phrase or clause.
  • Use commas before and after a parenthetical phrase or clause.
  • Use a comma to separate two independent clauses linked by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor or, so, yet)
  • Use a comma to separate items in a series.

What is the comma rule?

Use a comma before which when it introduces a nonrestrictive phrase. Don’t use a comma before which when it’s part of a prepositional phrase, such as “in which.” Don’t use a comma before which when it introduces an indirect question.

Does comma MEAN AND or OR?

Should you use a comma before or? The answer depends on how you are using or. Always place a comma before or when it begins an independent clause, but if it begins a dependent clause, don’t. In a series (or list) of three or more items, you can use a comma before or, but this is a preference, not a rule.

Does a comma stand for and?

comma Add to list Share. A comma is a punctuation mark that indicates a pause in a sentence or separates items in a list. A comma is also used before the words “and” or “but” to join two independent clauses.

What does a comma mean in logic?

The comma is there to separate two items in a set.

Is comma splicing bad?

Comma splices are bad because commas are not strong enough to hold two independent clauses together, which results in a run-on sentence.

Is it OK to use a comma splice?

Comma splices are also acceptable in fiction. In dialogue and first-person narration, for example, a character might be excited or upset and thus speak in a rush. The minimal pause conveyed by a comma can clarify sentence structure while conveying the character’s state of mind.

How do you avoid a comma splice?

Combining Clauses to Avoid Comma Splices, Run-ons, and Fragments

  1. OPTION 1:Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
  2. OPTION 2: Use a semicolon.
  3. OPTION 3: Use a semicolon, transition word, and comma.
  4. OPTION 1: Use a subordinating conjunction after the independent clause.

How do you correct a comma splice sentence?

Comma Splices

  1. One of the easiest ways to correct comma splices is to create two separate sentences.
  2. Usually, a comma indicates a brief pause.
  3. You can also correct a comma splice by inserting a coordinating conjunction such as and, or, nor, for, or but.

Should I use a comma in this sentence?

When an adverbial phrase begins a sentence, it’s often followed by a comma but it doesn’t have to be, especially if it’s short. As a rule of thumb, if the phrase is longer than about four words, use the comma. But, if there is a chance of misreading the sentence, use the comma: Before eating the family said grace.

How do you use commas examples?

Rule 1. Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. Example: My estate goes to my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and nephew. Note: When the last comma in a series comes before and or or (after daughter-in-law in the above example), it is known as the Oxford comma.

How do you teach grammar and punctuation?

So, to review, to teach punctuation effectively:

  1. Ensure students have a firm understanding of the necessary rules of grammar.
  2. Avoid using vague explanations of the rules of usage as shortcuts.
  3. Be sure to contextualize explanations with clear examples from texts.

Why comma is used?

A comma marks a slight break between different parts of a sentence. Used properly, commas make the meaning of sentences clear by grouping and separating words, phrases, and clauses. to separate clauses. to mark off certain parts of a sentence.

Who invented commas?

Aldus Manutius

Do commas exist in Korean?

You don’t really need any punctuation in Korean, though. Even a full stop or a quotation mark is implied by the sentence ending. I too am used to using English punctuation so much that I use it in Korean.

What are two uses for commas?

To better understand the use of the comma, begin by learning the following eight basic uses:


What is it called when you use two commas to interrupt a sentence?

Bracketing commas (also called isolating commas) do a very different job from the other three types. The rule is this: a pair of bracketing commas is used to mark off a weak interruption of the sentence — that is, an interruption which does not disturb the smooth flow of the sentence.

How do you use commas in a full name?

The rule is – either have the commas both before and after a name, or don’t add it at all. This is because the sentence is talking about a particular person John. The addition of commas gives extra emphasis to the name.

Does thank you need a comma?

If you are telling someone “thank you” directly, you always need a comma after “thank you.” This is the most common way of using the phrase, so in most cases you will want that comma. You should also put a comma or a period after “thank you” if it’s the last part of a letter or email before your name or signature.