Do you pronounce ch in German?

Do you pronounce ch in German?

“ch” is followed by an “e” or “i”: It’s generally pronounced like the soft “ch” we know from ich; see, for example, Chemie (“chemistry”). But in some regions, the “ch” is pronounced like “k”.

How is CH pronounced in English?

English. In English, ch is most commonly pronounced as [tʃ], as in chalk, cheese, cherry, church, much, etc. Ch can also be pronounced as [k], as in ache, choir, school and stomach.

Is the letter Y in German?

The German letter ‘y’ can be pronounced in a number of different ways, depending on its position in a word or syllable. If it is used as a vowel, it sounds like the German long or short vowel ‘ü’. If ‘y’ stands at the beginning or end of a word, then it is pronounced in the same way as it would be in English.

What is the letter B in German?


What are the 2 dots above a letter called in French?

The Trema (L’Accent Tréma) in French Finally, we have the trema: two little dots above a letter. It can be found above an “e”, “i”, or “u”: ë, ï, ü. The trema is also sometimes called a “diaeresis” or “umlaut”, although technically it’s not an umlaut.

How do you put 2 dots over a letter?

On an iOS or Android device, access umlaut marks by tapping and holding a particular key. For example, tap and hold the uppercase or lowercase O key, then slide your finger over to ö or Ö to use it in texts, emails, and other documents.

What is Ä called in Swedish?


How is ä pronounced in Swedish?

Sound–spelling correspondences

Letter Pronunciation (IPA) Notes
å /oː/ Most words with /ɔ/ and some words with /oː/ are spelled with ⟨o⟩.
ä /ɛː/ Some words with /ɛ/ are spelled with ⟨e⟩.
ö /øː/ The short ö is, in some dialects, pronounced as /ɵ/.

How do you pronounce ase in Norwegian?

What does Ase mean? The name Ase can pronounced as “AH-she” in text or letters. Ase is bay girl name, main origion is Danish, Norwegian, Old Norse, Swedish. English meanings of Ase is “God-like” and popular in Christian religion.

Is AE the same as Ä?

The letter was originally an A with a lowercase e on top, which was later stylized to two dots. In other languages that do not have the letter as part of the regular alphabet or in limited character sets such as US-ASCII, Ä is frequently replaced with the two-letter combination “Ae”.