Does a wasp have a backbone?

Does a wasp have a backbone?

An invertebrate is an animal that does not have a backbone.

What is a wasp classified as?


How do you identify an invertebrate?

Invertebrates are generally soft-bodied animals that lack a rigid internal skeleton for the attachment of muscles but often possess a hard outer skeleton (as in most mollusks, crustaceans, and insects) that serves, as well, for body protection.

Is insect a vertebrate or invertebrate?

Sponges, corals, worms, insects, spiders and crabs are all sub-groups of the invertebrate group – they do not have a backbone. Fish, reptiles, birds, amphibians and mammals are different sub-groups of vertebrates – they all have internal skeletons and backbones.

Why Is a Butterfly an invertebrate?

Butterflies are invertebrates because they do not have backbones. Instead, they have exoskeletons.

Why did Tilikum kill Dawn?

The ponytail defense: The letter disputes the documentary’s assertion that Tilikum attacked and killed Dawn Brancheau because the whale was driven crazy by his years in captivity. SeaWorld claims that Tilikum did not attack Dawn. Nothing SeaWorld says in explanation of the attack is true.

Did Tilikum kill anyone?

Tilikum was involved in the deaths of three people: Keltie Byrne – a trainer at the now-defunct Sealand of the Pacific, Daniel Dukes – a man trespassing in SeaWorld Orlando, and SeaWorld trainer Dawn Brancheau.

Why was Tilikum so violent?

At 22 feet long and 12,000 pounds, Tilikum had been transformed from a wild, apex predator to an amusement for tourists. And that transformation wasn’t smooth. He suffered bullying by other captive whales and stress from being separated from his wild family, according to his trainers.

Did Tilikum kill Dawn?

Tilikum didn’t just kill his trainer, the attack was prolonged and incredibly violent. Dawn, 40, was not only drowned, her left arm was torn from its socket, Dawn was scalped with her hair and skin found at the bottom of the pool.

How did Alexis Martinez die?

Alexis Martinez, age 29, had worked at Loro Parque since 2004. He was killed during a Christmas show rehearsal when he was attacked by one of the orcas, Keto. Keto pulled Alexis under water and then rammed him in his chest. He died of massive internal bleeding and injuries.