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Does your mom pick you up passive voice?

Does your mom pick you up passive voice?

Answer. Are you picked up by your mum. Thus, the correct sentence is – Are you picked up by your mum.

Do you obey your parents change into passive voice?

The Passive Voice of the sentence Obey your parents is “Let your parents be obeyed (by you)”. EXPLANATION: So, the word ‘let’ should be added while changing it into Passive Voice. The verb ‘obey’ can be changed to ‘be obeyed’.

Does she help you change into passive voice?

Answer. Are you helped by her.

What is the passive voice of my mother loves me?

“I am loved by my mother” is a passive voice of the given sentence. Explanation: The given sentence my mother loves me is in active voice. To change it to passive, the subject that is my mother is shifted to the end of the sentence.

Who helps passive voice?

ANSWER: Passive voice for this sentence is: By whom you were helped.

Who is calling you outside in passive voice?

ANSWER. Passive Voice : You are called by whom.

What is the passive form of I Love You?

For example, “I love you.” In this example the subject is “I,” the verb is “love” and the object is “you.” The subject performs the action of the verb. But sometimes the subject is acted upon, or receives the action of the verb. This is called the passive voice.

Who killed the snake in passive voice?

The given sentence is in the form of active voice. Therefore when we change it to passive voice we have to ensure that the subject in this is being acted upon unlike in active voice. Hence the sentence who killed a snake will be changed to a snake has been killed by whom.

Who has killed the tiger passive voice?

‘Someone killed the tiger’ is the passive voice of the given sentence.

Who killed the tiger?

hunter Jim Corbett

Was a tiger killed by the hunter changed into active voice?

Answer. The tiger was killed by the hunter. Explanation: The “tiger” which is an object is changed into subject in passive voice.

Did the hunter kill a tiger?

Answer. The Hunter kills the tiger.

Does the hunter kill the deer change into passive voice?

Answer: A deer killed by Hunter.

What is the passive voice of bring a glass of water?

The given sentence, when converted to passive voice, is : Passive Voice : Let a glass of water be brought. Cambridge English Dictionary defines ‘passive voice’ as ‘the relationship between a subject and a verb in which the subject receives the action of the verb, or the verb forms which show this relationship. ‘