Has to and have to use?

Has to and have to use?

have to, has to in the Simple Present

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences
I, we, you, they I have to get up early. I do not have to get up early.
he, she, it She has to get up early. She does not have to get up early.

Has to have or have to have?

“I had to had” and “I have to had” are both wrong. (Also, none of these examples is a complete sentence – you must specify what it is that you need.) “Have” is present tense, “had” is past tense, and “to have” – never “to had” – is the infinitive, or basic form, of a verb that can mean either “need” or “possess”.

Is have to have correct grammar?

Yes, “to have to have” (as in, “They have to have it finished by noon tomorrow” or “Sheila says that in order to meet her professor’s requirements she has to have a specific edition of the book”) is a perfectly proper, grammatically correct verb phrase. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with it.

Is it I have or had?

Which one is correct? “have/has” is present tense: I have a headache. “had” is past tense: I had a headache last night. BUT, your question here is about compound tenses, using the helping verb + the past participle of the main verb.

Where we use had?

When you need to talk about two things that happened in the past and one event started and finished before the other one started, place “had” before the main verb for the event that happened first. Here are some more examples of when to use “had” in a sentence: “Chloe had walked the dog before he fell asleep.”

Where do we use had had?

Had had is the past perfect form of have when it is used as a main verb to describe our experiences and actions. We use the past perfect when we are talking about the past and want to refer back to an earlier past time, Madiini.

What is the difference between had and had had?

Had is the past tense of the verb ‘to have. ‘ Then, the word had is used as an auxiliary verb, and it is used in the past perfect tense. Had had is the past perfect form of the verb to have.

Has submitted or had submitted?

Present perfect tense is used, because the actions related to your application (review and decision) are in the present time frame. Past perfect would be correct if those actions were completed: I had submitted the application, but the position was already filled. “I have” is correct.

Is has been being correct?

Here the word “being” is also the verb form 4 but it shows the state. Generally, after the word “been” action word comes to make present perfect continuous tense. Hence it is better to put being after been.

What is a gerund example?

A gerund is the –ing form of a verb that functions the same as a noun. For example, “Running is fun.” In this sentence, “running” is the gerund. It acts just like a noun.

How do you know if its a gerund?

One way to spot a gerund is to notice that they always end in -ing. Just remember they’re not the only players in the game ending in -ing. Present participles (verbs indicating continuous activity) also end in -ing. For example: “I was sitting there.” Sitting looks like and acts like a verb in this instance.

Should you put a comma before causing?

Here’s another example: “Everyone over 50 was fired, causing an uproar.” “Making me cry” and “causing an uproar” are acting as afterthoughts in these sentences, so both require a comma beforehand.

Do you need a comma before an ING word?

Because “ing” phrases typically describe a word that happens much earlier in the sentence (in this case “pilot”), you should put a comma before them. If the “ing” phrase describes the word that happens immediately before it, then you don’t need a comma.

How do you punctuate participles?

Punctuation: When a participial phrase begins a sentence, a comma should be placed after the phrase….Participles

  1. The crying baby had a wet diaper.
  2. Shaken, he walked away from the wrecked car.
  3. The burning log fell off the fire.
  4. Smiling, she hugged the panting dog.

Why do we use participles?

Participle clauses enable us to say information in a more economical way. They are formed using present participles (going, reading, seeing, walking, etc.), past participles (gone, read, seen, walked, etc.) or perfect participles (having gone, having read, having seen, having walked, etc.).