How are sulfate minerals different from sulfide minerals Brainly?

How are sulfate minerals different from sulfide minerals Brainly?

A. Sulfates lack sulfur compounds, whereas sulfides contain sulfur compounds. B. Sulfates contain sulfur-oxygen compounds, whereas sulfides contain sulfur-metal compounds.

Which minerals are sulfides?

Sulfide mineral

  • Mineral.
  • Sulfide.
  • Pyrite.
  • Antimonide.
  • Galena.
  • Arsenide.
  • Stibnite.
  • Sphalerite.

What is the most common sulfide mineral?


Is Sulfide the same as sulfur?

Sulfide (British English also sulphide) is an inorganic anion of sulfur with the chemical formula S2− or a compound containing one or more S2− ions. Sulfide also refers to chemical compounds large families of inorganic and organic compounds, e.g. lead sulfide and dimethyl sulfide.

What are the symptoms of Sulphur allergy?

Sulfa Allergy Symptoms

  • Skin rash or hives.
  • Itchy eyes or skin.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Face swelling.

What is Sulphur formula?

The chemical formula of sulphur molecules is S8 .

What is sulfur mainly used for?

Elemental sulfur is used in black gunpowder, matches, and fireworks; in the vulcanization of rubber; as a fungicide, insecticide, and fumigant; in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers; and in the treatment of certain skin diseases. The principal use of sulfur, however, is in the preparation of its compounds.

What is the symbol of Sulphur?


Is Sulphur harmful to humans?

Sulfur is low in toxicity to people. However, ingesting too much sulfur may cause a burning sensation or diarrhea. Breathing in sulfur dust can irritate the airways or cause coughing. It can also be irritating to the skin and eyes.

Where is sulfur found in the body?

Sulfur is the third most abundant element in your body. It is present in methionine and cysteine, which are two of the amino acids you use to make proteins. Both of these amino acids are present in your skin, hair, and nails where they help to make these tissues strong and flexible.

How do we get sulfur?

Today, almost all elemental sulfur is produced as a byproduct of removing sulfur-containing contaminants from natural gas and petroleum. The greatest commercial use of the element is the production of sulfuric acid for sulfate and phosphate fertilizers, and other chemical processes.

How do you make homemade Sulphur?

Put 12.9 grams of sodium thiosulphate in a beaker and dissolve it in minimum amount of water. Pour about 15ml of nitric acid in to the beaker. Let it sit in a warm place for a couple of hours and the sulphur will settle at the bottom of the beaker. That’s it!

What household item has sulfur?

Sulfur is present in common household items such as matches, powdered laundry detergent, insecticide and plant fungicide. It is used in skin and personal care items and cosmetics. Sulfur is used in hair and body cleansing products, face creams and hand lotions.

How do you purify Sulphur?

Methods of Purifying Sulfur These methods include distillation, recrystallization, centrifugation, a thermochemical process, the Claus process, and the Frasch process. Distillation and the Frasch process are still the two most commonly used processes to purify sulfur.

How do you make Sulphur spray?

When using wettable dust, such as Hi-Yield Wettable Dusting Sulfur, mix 4 tablespoons of sulfur in 1 gallon of water, advises Hi-Yield. Once the sulfur spray is thoroughly mixed, pour it into a hand sprayer and spray your plants. Repeat as recommended by the product label.

What will Sulfur kill?

Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plants. Sulfur can kill insects, mites, fungi, and rodents.

Why is lime sulfur banned?

There is a reason lime sulfur hasn’t been available. In early 2008, EPA questioned whether lime sulfur was so caustic that it should be reclassified as a restricted-use chemical. Only people with pesticide licenses can buy restricted-use products. This would be a problem for home gardeners; they don’t have licenses.

What does lime Sulphur kill?

Lime sulphur can be used to control a range of fungal diseases including Black Spot, Powdery Mildew, Freckle, Leaf Curl, Rust, Shot Hole and Brown Rot, as well as various Scale and Mite pests.

What is the difference between lime and sulfur?

Liquid sulphur is used as a fungicides in agricultutre, while lime sulphur is also fungicides. Sulphur itself insoluble in water, so lime sulphur is a liquid sulpha., What is Liquid sulphur then?

Does lime Sulphur kill mites?

Lime Sulfur dip is a combination of sulfur and lime (sulfurated lime) used to kill mange mites. It’s used as a rinse or dip every 5-7 days to treat mange infections. Treatment is repeated until skin scrapings have been clear of mites for at least a month.

Does sulfur kill mange?

Sulphur is effective in treating sarcoptic mange in dogs (also known as canine scabies), a disease which is caused by the mite known as Sarcoptes scabiei. Sulphur works in treating sarcoptic mange by disrupting the cellular proteins produced by the mites, causing their death.

How do you use sulfur for mites?

Use 2-3g wettable sulphur per litre of water when spraying for for tomato russet mite and red spider mite, 2.5-5g per litre for grape leaf rust mite and grape leaf blister mite. It’s important to spray all parts of the plant, including the undersides of leaves, stems, buds and flowers.

How dangerous is lime sulfur?

Undiluted lime sulfur is corrosive to skin and eyes and can cause serious injury like blindness.

Can you use lime sulfur on humans?

Since this sulfur-lime dip is non-toxic when used externally, we all used it, humans and dogs, and CLEARED OUT THE SCABIES.

Does lime sulfur kill ringworm?

Of all available topical therapies, lime sulfur solution is the most effective as it sterilizes the coat to prevent further growth of ringworm, is relatively easy to apply rapidly to a number of cats, and has been documented to work well in a shelter setting.

Is lime Sulphur poisonous to dogs?

It will cause a yellow tinge to the hair coat of the animal while being treated. It has an odor that is strong when wet and diminishes when dry. In general, lime sulfur is safe in puppies and kittens, but consult a veterinarian and obtain a prescription after examination by a veterinarian prior to any application.