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How are you in French ca va?

How are you in French ca va?

Comment ça va: The friendly “how are you” “Comment ça va” literally means “how is it going” or “how it goes”. You can use it with friends, family members and people you know well. Basically, with anyone you’re on a “tu” basis with.

What is the meaning of Ca va bien et toi?

Ça va bien, et toi? I’m fine, what are you doing?

How do you respond to Ca va et toi?

How to respond. The quickest response to “Comment ça va?” is “Ça va bien, et toi?” (“It’s going well, how about you?”). Memorize this question and answer combination because you’ll use it a lot. If you’re not doing well, you can say “Ça va mal” (“It’s not going well”).

What is ca va bien?

Ça va bien. (Things are going well.)

What does Sava mean?


What is tres bien?

very good, very well. excellent.

Whats the difference between A and à?

‘a’ is a conjugated form of the verb ‘avoir’ e.g. il a un bateau (He has a boat)’à’ is commonly used as a preposition. Its meaning varies depending on the sentence. It can mean at, in, or to.

What is your name in French?

If you’d like to say “What is your name?” in French, you generally have two options. To pose the question formally, you’d say “Comment vous-appelez vous? Speaking informally, you can simply ask “Comment t’appelles-tu?”

What is the difference between AS and A in French?

“à” is the preposition, not the verb. In the past tense, you can’t put “avait”. “as” is verb “avoir” conjugated with “tu”.

What is the difference between A and a grade?

The percentages mirror the 4.0 scale, except that where a GPA difference of 1.0 corresponds to a full letter grade, I use a percentage difference of 10….Grading Numerology.

Letter → Number Conversion
Letter Grade Numerical Grade
A+ 98.75
A 95.00
A- 91.25

What sound is û?


How is Ö pronounced in English?

To pronounce the ö-sound, say “ay” as in day (or as in the German word See). While continuing to make this sound, tightly round your lips. Look in a mirror to make sure your lips are actually rounded. Voilà!

What are accents in French?

French accents

  • L’accent aigu (é)
  • L’accent grave (à, è, ù)
  • L’accent circonflexe or “chapeau” (â, ê, î, ô, û)
  • La cédille (ç)
  • Le tréma (ë, ï, ü)

What are the 5 French accents?

French Accents List: The 5 French Accent Marks

  • ç – the cedilla (la cédille)
  • é – the acute accent (l’accent aigu)
  • â/ê/î/ô/û – the circumflex (l’accent circonflexe)
  • à/è/ì/ò/ù – the grave accent (l’accent grave)
  • ë/ï/ü – the trema (l’accent tréma)

How do you use French accents?

To type accent grave (à, è, etc), type ` (to the left of 1) then the vowel. Accent aigu (é), click AltGr and e at the same time. Cédille (ç), click AltGr and c at the same time. Circonflexe (ê), click AltGr and ^ at the same time, then the vowel.

How do French accents work?

An accent mark may change the sound of a letter, the meaning of a word, replace a letter that existed in old French, or have no perceivable effect at all. Accents are used only on vowels and under the letter c. A cédille ( ) is placed under a “c” (ç), to create a soft (s) sound before the letters a, o, or u.

What is accent grave in French?

E accent grave On the letter e, the grave accent is a pronunciation marker, indicating that the pronunciation is [ɛ]. In French, this sound is most commonly found in closed syllables. When spelling out loud, è is called e accent grave.

What is accent Circonflexe in French?

The circumflex, aka “little hat,” is the only French accent that may be found on each of the five vowels. In any given word, the circumflex may serve one or more purposes: Indicate a spelling change from Latin. Change the pronunciation of a, e, o.

What are French accents used for?

French uses accents on certain vowels for various reasons, and emphasis has nothing to do with it. An accent can change the sound of a vowel or help distinguish between two different words that would otherwise be spelled the same, like sur (on) and sûr (certain).

What is accent over a letter called?

A diacritic (also diacritical mark, diacritical point, diacritical sign, or accent) is a glyph added to a letter or basic glyph. The term derives from the Ancient Greek διακριτικός (diakritikós, “distinguishing”), from διακρίνω (diakrī́nō, “to distinguish”).

What is the French accent mark called?

The accent aigu, also known as the acute accent, looks like this: ´, a little apostrophe-like mark that floats up in to the sky, like a bird in flight (é). Aigu, which sounds like egg-ew, can only be on the letter e. Think of eggs or a tasty French omelette to help you remember this rule.

Comment ça va: The friendly “how are you” “Comment ça va” literally means “how is it going” or “how it goes”. You can use it with friends, family members and people you know well.

What is the meaning of ca va?

it goes

What is the formal way of saying how are you in French?

Comment allez-vous

How do you respond to Como Eres?

It means “how are you?” – as a person. Responses could be: Soy introvertido(a)

Why do we use tener for age?

“Completing years” makes more sense than “birthday” (you are only born once, not every year). Of course you could say “June 11th is the anniversary of my birthday.” The verb tener not only means to own. It may express sensations experimented by someone: tener frío, hambre, sed, etc.

How do you reply to Donde Vives?

This phrase means “where are you from?” The correct response when somebody asks you “de donde eres” is “yo soy de [insert your answer].” Pronounced: yo-soy-day [insert your answer]. Donde esta ______?

What are the 6 forms of tener?

Present tense

yo tengo tenemos
tienes tenéis
él, ella, Ud. tiene tienen

How are you in French ca va?

How are you in French ca va?

Comment ça va: The friendly “how are you” “Comment ça va” literally means “how is it going” or “how it goes”. You can use it with friends, family members and people you know well.

How do you say where are you from in French formal?

The French translation for “Where are you from? (formal)” is Vous êtes d’où ?. The French, Vous êtes d’où ?, can be broken down into 4 parts:”you (singular polite form and plural)” (vous), “are (2nd person plural)” (êtes), “of; from” (de) and “where” (où).

How do you respond to Ca va bien et toi?

How to respond. The quickest response to “Comment ça va?” is “Ça va bien, et toi?” (“It’s going well, how about you?”). Memorize this question and answer combination because you’ll use it a lot. If you’re not doing well, you can say “Ça va mal” (“It’s not going well”).

What is ca va bien merci?

Very well thank you.

What is the reply of Bonjour?


How do you respond to Ca va bien?

As with English, French people tend to reply to Ça va? with a positive response – Bien, or Bien, merci – much the same way as we would use fine in English. The following responses are polite enough for a new acquaintance, but general enough for a good friend, too: Très bien, merci. Very well, thank you.

Which cheek do you kiss first in France?

left cheek

What is a typical French greeting?

The most important French greetings include bonjour (hello), enchanté(e) (nice to meet you), bonsoir (good evening/hello), salut (hi), coucou (hey), Ça fait longtemps, dis donc (long time no see), Âllo (hello), Ça va? (how are you?), tu vas bien? (have you been well?), quoi de neuf? (what’s up?), au revoir!

What are good French wishes?

Meilleurs Voeux ! Best wishes! Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année ! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Do the French kiss on both cheeks?

The French have no problem with PDA — they greet friends and family with kisses everywhere. First, the French don’t actually kiss each other. Instead, they put their cheeks against their friend’s/family member’s cheeks and make kissing noises. There’s no actual lip-to-cheek going on.

What do three kisses mean?

What is the significance of the three kisses? The three kisses are not to say good-bye, but are a reminder of the completeness and meaning of our marriage union. The first kiss is Heart, an expression of how our hearts are joined in mutual love and understanding. The second is Mind.

What is French kissing?

What Is a French Kiss? A French kiss (also called a tongue kiss, a deep kiss, or making out) is a kiss in which one or both partners use their tongues to stimulate each other’s mouths for mutual sexual pleasure.

Why do British kiss on both cheeks?

We usually kiss on the cheek as a way to salute or to part ways. You can kiss on the cheek outside these events, but only if you’re close to the person. Kissing hello on the cheek someone you’ve just met is okay; Kissing on the cheek after that someone you’ve just meet can be very awkward.

Why do we kiss with tongue?

It’s also been shown that men kiss to introduce sex hormones and proteins that make their female partner more sexually receptive. Open mouth and tongue kissing are especially effective in upping the level of sexual arousal, because they increase the amount of saliva produced and exchanged.

How can you tell if someone is a good kisser?

Here are some tried and true traits of good kissers.

  1. You get rave reviews. People will let you know.
  2. You kiss often.
  3. You kiss for a long time.
  4. You feel in sync with your kissing partner.
  5. You’re confident.
  6. You’re not afraid to use your hands.
  7. You practice good oral hygiene.
  8. You’ve mastered multiple types of kissing.

How are you in French ca va?

How are you in French ca va?

Comment ça va: The friendly “how are you” “Comment ça va” literally means “how is it going” or “how it goes”. You can use it with friends, family members and people you know well.

What does coma Sava mean in French?

hello coma how are you.

How do you respond to Ca va bien?

As with English, French people tend to reply to Ça va? with a positive response – Bien, or Bien, merci – much the same way as we would use fine in English. The following responses are polite enough for a new acquaintance, but general enough for a good friend, too: Très bien, merci. Very well, thank you.

What is tres bien?

Translation of “OK, très bien” in English. OK. okay OK. très bien. very well all right.

When someone says bonjour What do you say?

“Bonjour” in French, is a formal way of greeting someone. It can mean Good morning or hello. You can either reply saying “Bonjour” back or you could say “salut” which also means hello but in an informal way.

Can you say bonjour at night?

Say “Bonjour” until the end of the afternoon and “bonsoir” once the evening starts. Bonjour is a greeting and only a greeting at the difference of “bonsoir” that can be used to say good bye in the evening and evening ONLY.

Which cheek do you kiss first in France?

left cheek

Why do we kiss with tongue?

It’s also been shown that men kiss to introduce sex hormones and proteins that make their female partner more sexually receptive. Open mouth and tongue kissing are especially effective in upping the level of sexual arousal, because they increase the amount of saliva produced and exchanged.

Is French Kiss safe?

Saliva carries minuscule traces of the virus, but this isn’t considered harmful. Saliva contains enzymes that break down the virus before it has a chance to spread. Kissing, even “French” or open-mouth kissing, won’t transmit HIV.

Do French men kiss hello?

Nick Kostov. PARIS—In cafés, in offices and almost everywhere in between, it has always been perfectly normal in France to greet people by touching their face with your face. La bise, as the customary double cheek kiss is known, is so deeply entrenched in French life that it is deployed as casually as a handshake.

What does 3 kisses on the lips mean?

What is the significance of the three kisses? The three kisses are not to say good-bye, but are a reminder of the completeness and meaning of our marriage union. The first kiss is Heart, an expression of how our hearts are joined in mutual love and understanding.

What type of kiss is best for a first kiss?

Part your lips slightly and press them against their lips. Gently kiss them for several seconds. Try not to get any of your saliva onto their lips. It’s okay to keep your lips pressed together during your kiss. Don’t open your mouth or use tongue during your first kiss.

Which lip do you kiss?

Now whoever takes the lead, will have their partner’s upper lip between their lips (just like the man in the photo above), while the woman kisses the man’s lower lip. Don’t put your entire mouth over theirs, that is not kissing. If your partner kisses you gently, mirror them and kiss them passionately.

What is a bad kisser?

A bad kisser is someone who has no idea how to please another person’s mouth with their own. Not just that, but a bad kisser is someone who does not consider other extenuating circumstances like location, mood and their partner’s disposition. [ Read: Memories of an embarrassing first kiss]

What is best kissing technique?

Begin with a gentle, close-mouthed kiss with your arms around his neck or waist, then slowly open your mouth. The key is to leave him wanting more, so don’t use your tongue. Pull away before your lingering kiss turns into a make-out session, but hold him for a few moments longer. You’ll both be seeing stars!

Why do lips swell after kissing?

It turns out that their partners’ saliva is excreting the allergen hours after the food or medicine has been absorbed by their body. ‘Kissing’ allergies are most commonly found in people who have food or medication allergies. Symptoms include swelling of the lips or throat, rash, hives, itching and wheezing.

Does kissing increase lip size?

Lip size has nothing to do with it. It is the quality of kissing that makes a difference and how much you like them. Men have hard lips, women have soft lips.

Why do lips turn black after kissing?

Because when you kiss it creates a “suck” effect, not from biting but from the pressure of lip movements.. it’s kinda like the suction of the movement is causing the delicate vessels in the lips to come forward.. resulting in bruise like colours and spots because they are tiny.

Can your lips hurt from kissing too much?

Kissing can lead to a bad case of chapped lips That means they can easily be damaged by say an aggressive nibbler, overgrown stubble, or even simply excessive friction from another pair of lips. This can lead to dry, cracked, and chapped lips (via Consumer Health Digest).

Why is lip kiss important?

Kissing stimulates your salivary glands, which increases saliva production. Saliva lubricates your mouth, aids in swallowing, and helps keep food debris from sticking to your teeth, which can help prevent tooth decay and cavities.

Why do neck kisses feel so good?

Neck kiss feels good because: The caress influences hormonal reactions triggering that wonderful feeling in both parties. A smooth kiss on the neck is romantic because this part of the body has plenty of nerve endings. Kissing the neck stimulates those nerves that can give her goose bumps.

How do guys feel when they kiss?

Kissing improves the bonding between the partners both at an emotional as well as physical level. When you kiss, you can feel the warmth in your heart, you can taste the sweetness of lips, you can experience the intimacy of the minds and bodies. However as passionate and romantic it sounds, it’s not always like that.

What do guys feel when they hug a girl?

Hugging is the purest form of showing love and there’s no feeling that can compete when you hug the person you love. Guys love to pamper their girl and make them feel loved. Whether you’re wrapped up in the arms of your partner or greeting someone, hugs have a way of making us feel fuzzy and warm inside.