How can you find the area of a rectangle?

How can you find the area of a rectangle?

To find the area of a rectangle, multiply its height by its width. For a square you only need to find the length of one of the sides (as each side is the same length) and then multiply this by itself to find the area.

How do you write an answer for an area?

Area is measured in square units such as square inches, square feet or square meters. To find the area of a rectangle, multiply the length by the width. The formula is: A = L * W where A is the area, L is the length, W is the width, and * means multiply.

How do you draw a rectangle with the same area of a square?

Squaring A Rectangle

  1. Start with rectangle ABCD.
  2. Extend side AB.
  3. Draw an arc centered at B with radius BC.
  4. Construct the midpoint M of segment AE.
  5. Construct a circle centered at M with radius OA.
  6. Extend side CB.
  7. Let F be the point where the circle and ray CB intersect.
  8. Then BF is the side of the desired square.

How many rectangles can you make with an area of 28?

three rectangles

How many different rectangles can you make with an area of 24 sq m?

Answer. With a 24 cm string you need to have 2 lengths and 2 widths covered. 2(l+w)=24. So l+w=12.

How many different rectangles can you make with an area of 24 sq cm?

so we can make 5 rectangles. Was this answer helpful?

Is it possible to draw a rectangle that has an area of 24 square units and a perimeter of 24 units?

It is not possible to draw a rectangle with whole number dimensions which will have area and perimeter 24.

What is 24cm squared?

576 cm squared

Is a square a rectangle?

Yes, a square is a special type of rectangle because it possesses all the properties of a rectangle. Similar to a rectangle, a square has: interior angles which measure 90∘ each.

What shape is both a rectangle and a square?


How do you ensure a square is a rectangle?

To setout a square or rectangle, make sure the diagonal is the correct length for the side lengths. for side lengths of 6′ and 10′ the Rectangle has 90° corners (right angles) and is ‘Square’.

How do you prove a rectangle is a square?

A rectangle is a square if and only if its diagonals are perpendicular. if the diagonals in a rectangle are perpendicular, then the rectangle is a square.

How do you prove a shape is a square?

  1. If a quadrilateral has four congruent sides and four right angles, then it’s a square (reverse of the square definition).
  2. If two consecutive sides of a rectangle are congruent, then it’s a square (neither the reverse of the definition nor the converse of a property).

How do you verify a rectangle?

There are a few ways to prove a quadrilateral is a rectangle. Here are three of the easiest ways: 1) Show all angles are 90°; 2) Show that one pair of sides is parallel and that two opposite angles are 90°; 3) Show the diagonals bisect each other and are of equal length.

What is a rectangle look like?

A rectangle is a four-sided flat shape where every angle is a right angle (90°). Opposite sides are parallel and of equal length (so it is a Parallelogram).

What is a formula of area?

Given a rectangle with length l and width w, the formula for the area is: A = lw (rectangle). That is, the area of the rectangle is the length multiplied by the width. As a special case, as l = w in the case of a square, the area of a square with side length s is given by the formula: A = s2 (square).

How can we draw a rectangle explain with an example?


  1. Draw a straight, horizontal line using a ruler.
  2. Make a shorter vertical line coming down from one end of the first line.
  3. Draw a horizontal line coming off the bottom end of the vertical line.
  4. Draw a vertical line between the ends of the two horizontal lines.
  5. Color in your rectangle to make it pop.

Why is it called a rectangle?

The word rectangle comes from the Latin rectangulus, which is a combination of rectus (as an adjective, right, proper) and angulus (angle). Other geometries, such as spherical, elliptic, and hyperbolic, have so-called rectangles with opposite sides equal in length and equal angles that are not right angles.

What can a rectangle be called?

Other names of the rectangle Since all the angles of a rectangle are equal, we also call it an equiangular quadrilateral. Since it has parallel sides, we can also call it a parallelogram. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are equal and parallel.

What is another name for a rectangle?

Rectangle Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for rectangle?

diamond lozenge
square tetragon
trapezium trapezoid
figure four-sided figure
oblong parallelogram

What is called triangle?

A triangle is a 3-sided polygon sometimes (but not very commonly) called the trigon. Every triangle has three sides and three angles, some of which may be the same. The study of triangles is sometimes known as triangle geometry, and is a rich area of geometry filled with beautiful results and unexpected connections.

What are the 7 types of triangle?

To learn about and construct the seven types of triangles that exist in the world: equilateral, right isosceles, obtuse isosceles, acute isosceles, right scalene, obtuse scalene, and acute scalene.

What is a common triangle?

Triangles are shapes with three sides. There are three types of triangle based on the length of the sides: equilateral, isosceles, and scalene. The green lines mark the sides of equal (the same) length.

What are the different parts of a triangle?

Parts of a Triangle

  • Adjacent. The two sides of a triangle which form a particular vertex are referred to as adjacent to that angle.
  • Opposite.
  • Base.
  • Apex.
  • Height.
  • Isosceles Triangle.
  • Equilateral Triangle.
  • Scalene Triangle.

What types of triangle are there?

What are the types of triangle?

  • Equilateral. Equilateral triangles have 3 equal sides and 3 equal angles of 60°
  • Isosceles. Isosceles triangles have 2 equal sides and 2 equal angles.
  • Right-angled. 1 of the angles is a right angle (90°) in right-angled triangles.
  • Scalene. Scalene triangles have no equal sides and no equal angles. Start activity.

How many sides are there in a triangle?


What is a half triangle called?

Isosceles triangle
Isosceles triangle with vertical axis of symmetry
Type triangle
Edges and vertices 3
Schläfli symbol ( ) ∨ { }

How many sides are of 4 triangles?

A geometrical figure with three or more sides is called a polygon or a polyhedron….Polygons: How Many Sides?

3 triangle, trigon
4 quadrilateral, tetragon
5 pentagon
6 hexagon
7 heptagon

How many sides a rectangle has?