How do the setting in dialogue in the first scene of Hamlet affect the audience?

How do the setting in dialogue in the first scene of Hamlet affect the audience?

How do the setting and dialogue in the first scene of Hamlet affect the audience? They set a dark and eerie mood appropriate for a serious play. Sample Response: The appearance of the ghost helps create an eerie mood and grabs the audience’s attention. The ghost does not speak, which adds mystery and suspense.

What best describes characterization the way a character should be performed?

The correct answer is: the way a character is presented and developed. Explicit characterization involves the explicit description of the moral, intellectual and physical qualities of a character. It can be performed by the narrator, another character or even the said character himself/herself.

Which are structural elements that are unique to dramas?

Structural Elements of Drama

  • Actor – a person who portrays a character in a play.
  • Climax – the point in a plot where the interest, tension, and excitement are highest.
  • Conflict – the problem or struggle in a story.
  • Dialogue – speech between characters in a play.

Which is the best definition of poor as it used in the passage?

Which is the best definition of poor, as it is used in the passage? The answer is: meager.

What is another word for being poor?

1 needy, indigent, necessitous, straitened, destitute, penniless, poverty-stricken. 5 meager. 6 unsatisfactory, shabby. 7 sterile, barren, unfruitful, unproductive.

What does privation mean?

1 : an act or instance of depriving : deprivation. 2 : the state of being deprived especially : lack of what is needed for existence.

What’s another name for poverty?

SYNONYMS FOR poverty 1 privation, neediness, destitution, indigence, pauperism, penury. 2 thinness, poorness, insufficiency. 3 meagerness, inadequacy, sparseness, shortage, paucity, dearth.

What is the opposite of worthy?

Antonyms. unrighteous evil dishonorable contemptible unworthiness worthless unworthy.

What meant by poverty?

Essentially, poverty refers to lacking enough resources to provide the necessities of life—food, clean water, shelter and clothing. In government circles, poverty is often further defined as “absolute poverty” and “relative poverty” (more on that below).

What is opposite of poverty?

“The opposite of poverty is justice” is one of Stevenson’s most memorable lines. …

What is the opposite of strongest?

What is the opposite of strongest?

weakest feeblest
wispiest quietest
slimmest thinnest
slightest boniest
gangliest gauntest

Which state has highest percentage of poor?


Who is poor state in India?

Chhattisgarh is the poorest state, with 39.93% of the population living below the poverty line.

Who is richest state in India?


Which US state is the poorest?


What is the richest state in America 2020?


  • Connecticut.
  • Massachusetts.
  • New York.
  • Alaska.
  • New Jersey.

Which state makes the most money?

Washington, D.C.

What is the easiest state to live in?

What are the top 20 richest states?

The 20 Richest States in the USA

  1. Maryland – Median household income: $75,847.
  2. Hawaii – Median household income: $73,486.
  3. Alaska – Median household income: $73,355.
  4. New Jersey – Median household income: $72,222.
  5. Connecticut – Median household income: $71,346.
  6. Massachusetts – Median household income: $70,628.
  7. New Hampshire – Median household income: $70,303.

What are the prettiest states?

Top 10 Most Beautiful States in America

  • Alaska.
  • Utah.
  • Arizona.
  • Hawaii.
  • Colorado.
  • Michigan.
  • Oregon.
  • Florida. Also known as the Sunshine State, Florida is an alluring mix of gorgeous beaches, balmy weather, and sweet Latin vibe.

What is the flattest state?

Many people think Kansas is the flattest state in the U.S., as it seems to be a lot of openness and wind farms. Many say that Kansas is “flatter than a pancake.” Parts of Kansas are very flat, but six other U.S. states are flatter than Kansas….Flattest States 2021.

State Utah
% Flattest 2.00%
% Flatter 4.00%
% Flat 29.00%
% Not Flat 65.00%

What state has the most beautiful woman?


What is the effect of this dialogue Hamlet?

The effect that the above dialogue gives is that: A. It creates an air of suspense in the plot. Act 1 Scene 1 takes place outside Elsinore Castle in Denmark in a cold winter night.

What does the audience learn about the setting of the play?

Answer : The audience learns a great deal about the setting of the play “Hamlet” from the opening lines of the first scene. We learn that the weather is cold, it is late at night and that the story takes place at a castle.

How does the introduction of the ghost in Act 1 of Hamlet help draw the audience into the play?

The introduction of the ghost adds mystery to the story, which naturally attracts the audience as it makes people want to find out more. Moreover, even though the ghost does not speak, his clothes reveal that he is King Hamlet.

Why is a dialogue important?

Dialogue is a useful tool for developing your characters and moving your plot forward. Dialogue can help you establish the backstory, and it can reveal important plot details that the reader may not know about yet. Dialogue is great for ratcheting up the tension between characters. Dialogue can also establish the mood.

What is the importance of dialogue in a play?

Like the scene itself, dialogue has several specific functions in the screenplay. Its primary function is dramatic, that is, to carry the story forward. Characters speak because they need something and saying something will help them get it. In practice that’s never as simple as it seems.

How does the dialogue reveal the conflict?

Great dialogue allows a character to respond to the character causing conflict. It also allows a character to create conflict. Tension increases when a writer builds doubt and uncertainty with a character’s words. You should use dialogue to show who your characters really are.

What is the most logical line of dialogue to complete the scene?

What is the most logical line of dialogue to complete the scene? Father.

How do you create tension in dialogue?

Here are 5 ways to add tension to your dialogue:

  1. Keep exchanges short and curt. When two characters are in a verbal sparring match, one may have the occasional, long-winded outburst.
  2. Use contradiction.
  3. Narrate tense actions mid-dialogue.
  4. Use interruptions.
  5. Make the speaker’s tone tense.

How do you introduce conflict?

How to Introduce Conflict in a Story

  1. Use as many as you can. In a good story, conflict is everywhere.
  2. Use action. The motto a writer should always keep in mind is, “If you can show, don’t tell.” This also applies to conflict.
  3. Use dialogues.
  4. Use external elements.
  5. Use symbols.
  6. Use flashbacks.
  7. The sooner, the better.
  8. Finish what you started.

What are the steps of the conflict process?

The conflict process has five stages: potential opposition or incompatibility, cognition and personalization, intentions, behavior, and outcomes (see Exhibit 14-2).