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How do the speaker and his neighbor proceed along the wall?

How do the speaker and his neighbor proceed along the wall?

How do the speaker and his neighbor proceed along the wall? They parallel each other with the wall exactly in the middle between them.

How would you describe the speaker and her relationship with the character death?

Answer: The speaker seems to share a fairly cordial relationship with the character Death, who, she says “kindly” stopped for her. She seems to trust him too, stating she has let go not only of her “labor” but also of her “leisure” to accompany Death on a chariot ride.

What is appreciation of poem?

Critical appreciation of a poem is defined as the critical reading of a poem, preparing a brief summary, deriving its messages/objectives, exploring purposes behind the poem, examining influences on the poet while writing the poem, knowing the poet; his life and his age; his inclination towards the literary movement of …

What is the message of the poem somebody’s mother?

The poem ‘Somebody’s Mother’ is written by Mary Dowe Brine. The main theme of this poem is that we should always be unselfish and help others. In this poem a young boy helps an old woman cross the road.

What lesson do you learn from the poem somebody’s mother?

Answer: This poem teaches us the lesson that we should help old, poor and weak people.

Which figure of speech is used in the poem somebody’s mother?

The Figures of speech employed in the poem ‘Somebody’s Mother’ by Dow Brine are repetition, Synechdoche, Simile Inversion, Alliteration, and Hyperbole. Explanation: Repetition in ‘The woman was old and ragged and gray’ captures the readers’ attention and emphasizes the idea of women’s miserable state.

How does the Speaker interact with his neighbor?

What is different about the way the speaker and the neighbor view the wall? The speaker describes the wall as something built to separate him and his neighbor, and the only time they ever interact is when they mend it after winter.

How does the Speaker of the Mending Wall feel about the neighbor in the poem?

He does not believe in walls for the sake of walls. The neighbor resorts to an old adage: “Good fences make good neighbors.” The speaker remains unconvinced and mischievously presses the neighbor to look beyond the old-fashioned folly of such reasoning. His neighbor will not be swayed.

How does the narrator describe his neighbor as he mends the wall?

In the poem “Mending Wall,” the term “old-stone savaged armed” is used to describe the neighbor. The speaker refers to the neighbor as an “old-stone savage armed” because he is old fashioned.

What can the reader infer about the speaker and his neighbor?

According to the speaker, there is nothing there to be separated. He thinks the wall creates an obstacle that is unnecessary. He also views his neighbor as a misguided, stubborn person. The neighbor has learned that walls are important and has never questioned that, seeing it as a fact.

Why does the neighbor believe that good fences make good neighbors?

Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall” is about the barriers people put up between themselves and others. “Good fences make good neighbors” means that people will get along better if they establish boundaries. However, the speaker of the poem seems to suggest that such barriers are outdated and unnecessary.

What is the main similarity between fog and Frost’s poem?

What is the main similarity between “Fog” and Frost’s poem “Mending Wall”? Both use everyday language. Both use iambic pentameter. Both use strict meter.

What are the three main types of Frost’s poems?

Robert Frost’s Writing Style Robert Frost’s poetry style could be described as conversational, realistic, rural, and introspective.

What is one main theme in much of Frost’s poetry?

The main theme of his poetry is the despairing state of man in his life. In all of Frost’s works, the reader sees encapsulated in verse, a depth and level of human emotion that is not easily discerned by the eye, but rather felt and nurtured in the heart.

How did Frost’s personal life influence his poetry?

It was already mentioned that Frost’s personal life had a great influence upon the poet’s lyrical expression. He had to face death quite often during his life and he had financial troubles, he was lucky to experience a great love and attraction.

What were the major influence on the life and works of Robert forest?

It was abroad that Frost met and was influenced by such contemporary British poets as Edward Thomas, Rupert Brooke, and Robert Graves. While in England, Frost also established a friendship with the poet Ezra Pound, who helped to promote and publish his work.

Which word best describes the tone of after apple picking?

Answer: The word which best describes the tone of “After Apple-Picking” is: 3. dreamlike.

What type of person was Robert Frost?

Robert Frost was an American poet who depicted realistic New England life through language and situations familiar to the common man. He won four Pulitzer Prizes for his work and spoke at John F. Kennedy’s 1961 inauguration.

Is Plath a modernist?

Plath’s poems clearly express the emotional turmoil and internal struggles she faced, including severe depression and mental anguish over her father’s death. She embraced the modernist period and wrote with honesty and transparency, revealing her inner thoughts and emotions without holding back.

What literary movement was Robert Frost?


What is the tradition of the Road Not Taken by Robert Frost?

What Is the Figurative Meaning of “The Road Not Taken?” Frost uses the road as a metaphor for life: he portrays our lives as a path we are walking along toward an undetermined destination. Then, the poet reaches a fork in the road. The fork is a metaphor for a life-altering choice in which a compromise is not possible.

How would you describe Robert Frost’s use of language?

Robert Frost’s choice of language illustrates the concept/theme of a journey in his poem “The Road Not Taken.” Word choice is a delicate art in poetry. They choose to use alliteration or assonance based upon how they wish a line of poetry to sound to the reader and listener.

What is the main message of after apple picking?

1 Expert Answer. One prominent theme in Robert Frost’s “After Apple Picking” is the cycle of life and death. Frost opens the poem with the image of an apple orchard — such rural New England imagery is prominent in his poetry.

What is the central idea of the poem after apple picking?

“After Apple Picking” focuses on the idea of and begs the question: at the end of the day (or road, or anything that is considered an ending including life), one wonders if he has done the best he can do, or perhaps he should have done more.