How do u ask how old are you in French?

How do u ask how old are you in French?

To ask someone’s age, you would say: Quel âge avez-vous ? How old are you, using vous. Tu as quel âge ?

What do you say age?

How to talk about your age in English?

  • I am 25 years old.
  • I am 25.
  • I am 25 years of age (this is a very formal way of expressing age)
  • I am 25 years. (
  • My fried has two sons aged 8 and 10. (
  • My friend has a daughter aged 5. (
  • My neighbor has a four month old baby. (
  • My uncle has a twenty year old daughter. (

Is it rude to ask a lady her age?

What I have noticed with interest is this: many women today are proud of their older age and may reply to a complement by saying: “Yes, I think I’m doing very well for an 80 (or 85 or 90-year-old lady).” Regardless of whether a lady offers her age or note, the rule remains: it is improper and rude to ask a lady her age …

Is asking age rude?

In short, you should know that asking someone’s age is rude, so you should not ask. If someone does ask you, know that it is completely proper for you to say something like, “That is not information that I wish to share. I’m sure you understand.” Most people will accept your response and change the subject.

Is it rude to ask why?

In some contexts, it could be condescending. Here’s several different examples of what “why” adds to the statement. It is easy to sound archaic or condescending, so take care where you use it. Beginning an answer with the word “why” is not inherently rude; the answer could be rude because of its content, of course.

How old are you reply?

It’s fine to say ‘I’m fourteen’. That is the most usual way of answering the question. You can say the long version if you want, but you don’t need to. “I’m fourteen” is fine in an informal and contemporary conversation.

Is it rude to ask how someone died?

A: If you’re curious about how your friend’s loved one died, but you’re not close enough to already know or ask in person, then asking is prying. The most inappropriate reaction: inquiring about the cause of death.

Why is it disrespectful to ask someone’s death?

It’s rude to ask how someone died because even if they died peacefully in their sleep after a long and happy life, the person you are asking may not want to talk about the end of the deceased’s life. If the person committed suicide, you don’t need to be told.

Why do we want to know how someone died?

Some people feel the need to know how someone died because they are curious about the health and safety issues which can lead to death. They might be vigilant about staying alive as long as possible so they’re interested in stories which could be cautionary tales. John died of diabetes complications, for example.

How do you ask for someone’s death?

Acknowledge the person’s death When you are searching for what to say when someone dies, don’t be afraid to state what a terrible thing it is to have happened. Do it in a way that feels natural. You could begin with something like: ‘I heard about John – how awful’.

How do you ask for memories?

Conversation Starters that Will Provide Stories for a Tribute Book

  1. How would you describe the deceased?
  2. What is your favorite memory of the deceased?
  3. What did you call them—any nicknames or terms of endearment?
  4. Did he or she have a pet name for you?
  5. Is there a particular lesson learned from the deceased?

What do you write in a rip message?

Short Condolence Messages

  1. A thought of comfort and condolences to the grieving family.
  2. Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.
  3. Heartfelt thoughts go out to you in this time of sorrow.
  4. I will be thinking of you in this moment of pain.
  5. I am thinking about you and sending love.

How do you send a RIP message?

Example condolence messages

  1. My/our condolences on the passing of your father/mother/friend.
  2. Please accept our sincerest condolences.
  3. I was so sad to hear of your loss.
  4. My heartfelt condolences on your loss.
  5. [insert name] will never be forgotten.
  6. The ones we love are never gone; they live within our hearts.

How do I wish my friend a rip?

May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief. Please accept my/our sincere condolences. Please accept our/my condolences, just know that we/I are/am here for you, and please do not hesitate to reach out, especially during this difficult time.

How do you send a death message?

Short and Simple Condolences Messages

  1. “Accept my condolences.”
  2. “My deepest sympathy.”
  3. “I’m very saddened to hear of your loss.”
  4. “I am so sorry for your loss.”
  5. “My heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow.”
  6. “Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.”
  7. “My prayers are with you and family.”

Is it correct to say may her soul rest in peace?

said to express the hope that someone’s spirit has found peace after death: She was a decent and compassionate woman: may she rest in peace.

How do you tell someone to stay strong after death?

Instead, try these alternatives.

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m here for you.
  2. I can’t imagine how you feel right now.
  3. This is a hard time.
  4. It’s okay to take your time.
  5. I know how much you loved them.
  6. I wish I had the right words.

How do you console someone who lost their mom?

At the end of the day, something as simple as “I’m so sorry for your loss” or “I’m so sad for you and your family, please accept my deepest condolences” is always appropriate. But you might want to offer something a little deeper than that, especially if you are close to the bereaved.

How do you say my condolences?


  1. “We are so sorry for your loss.”
  2. “I’m going to miss her, too.”
  3. “I hope you feel surrounded by much love.”
  4. “Sharing in your sadness as you remember Dan.”
  5. “Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs.
  6. “With deepest sympathy as you remember Robert.”
  7. “I was saddened to hear that your grandfather passed away.

How do u ask how old are you in French?

How do u ask how old are you in French?

To ask someone’s age, you would say: Quel âge avez-vous ? How old are you, using vous. Tu as quel âge ?

How do you answer Quel age avez-vous?

If you’re talking to a stranger or somebody older than yourself you’ll have to use the formal: Quel âge avez-vous?” When you answer you say: “J’ai + Number of years + ans“, which means “I have + Number + Years”.

What should I reply for I am good?

“I’m well” is also allowed but not for the reasons many think. That response only works if “well” takes on its adjectival form, meaning “in good health” or “good or satisfactory.” Now, if someone asks “How are you doing?” “I’m doing well” is the correct response.

What can I say instead of I’m fine?

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  • I’m fine thank you.
  • I feel great / marvellous / fine.
  • Couldn’t be better.
  • Fit as a fiddle.
  • Very well, thanks.
  • Okay.
  • Alright.
  • Not bad.

What should I reply for I am fine?

“I am fine” is a statement, and not a question. Accordingly, no “response” is engendered. In my opinion, if you wish to make a statement after someone says “I am fine,” the options available for the follow-up statement are fairly open-ended, but should not include an opinion or judgment about the initiating statement.

What does I’m fine mean?

In common usage, “I’m fine” is a generally positive way of saying “There’s nothing particularly wrong”; yet it also means that there isn’t anything superlatively right, well, or good.

What should I say in place of I Love You?

How do I say “I love you” without saying it in a text?

  • “Smiling so much today just thinking of you”
  • “Just wanted to thank you for being you :)”
  • “I hope you know how much you mean to me”
  • “I’m so glad you’re in my life!”
  • “You are so amazing!”
  • “You mean so much to me”
  • Send a sweet GIF.
  • Send a romantic song.

How do you say I’m not okay without saying it?

Ways to Say You’re Not OK

  1. ‘ME’ – How does this person make me feel? When someone takes the time to ask ‘R U OK’ we need to start by appreciating that this person cares enough to stop and ask the question.
  2. ‘I’ – How am I feeling? How are you feeling?
  3. YOU – How can you help me?
  4. WE – What can we do together?

What can I say instead of OK in text?

  • all right,
  • alright,
  • aye.
  • (also ay),
  • exactly,
  • okeydoke.
  • (or okeydokey),
  • yea,

What does K mean from a girl?

When a girl says, “K,” it means she’s upset with you. It’s notorious how “K” is used as a means of expression for anger and frustration. When she says K, she is telling you that she’s not going to partake in the argument and frustration. When a girl says K on texts, she doesn’t want to text right now.

What does KK mean in texting?

It’s easy to guess the meaning of this abbreviation The kk online acronym simply means “okay” or “message acknowledged.” It’s the same as nodding in person or saying “cool,” “gotcha,” etc. It’s common to see kk or KK as a text message abbreviation or when you’re playing online games.

What does K mean from a guy?

When you send a “k,” what you’re saying is: I don’t care what you’ve said and I don’t want to talk to you anymore.

What does GN mean on TikTok?

good night

What does GN ❤ mean?

GN is widely used to mean “Good Night.” It is a way of expressing good wishes at the end of a conversation, just before going to bed.

What does RN stand for?

Registered Nurse

What is rn salary?

Most registered nurses begin their career on a salary between $60,000 – $65,000. The beauty of the Nurse Award 2010, is that your pay will then grow 4-5% every year after that, until you have 8 years’ experience.

What kind of nurses get paid most?

The highest paying nursing jobs are:

  • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist – $181,040.
  • General Nurse Practitioner – $111,840.
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist – $106,028.
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner – $105,658.
  • Certified Nurse Midwife – $108,810.
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse – $102,487.
  • Pain Management Nurse – $101,916.