How do you answer WO Wohnst du?

How do you answer WO Wohnst du?

“Wo wohnst du?” (Where do you live?) There is a simple way to answer it of course: “Ich wohne in Thrapston.”

Where do you live in German polite?

To ask “where do you live?” in German you can say “wo wohnst du?”, or in a more formal situation, “wo wohnen Sie?” In this episode of Coffee Break German To Go, Julia asks this questions to interviewees in the streets of Berlin.

Can a person be a direct object?

Yes, a person can certainly be the direct object. The direct object is the noun that receives the action of the transitive verb.

What is an example of direct object?

A direct object may appear as a noun, pronoun, or a compound noun in a sentence. For instance, in the excerpt, “She closed the carton carefully. First she kissed her father, then she kissed her mother. Then she opened the lid again, lifted the pig out, and held it against her cheek” (Charlotte’s Web, by E.B.

Does an indirect object have to be a person?

An indirect object is a word or phrase that informs to whom or for whom something is being done. It can be a person, an animal, or a thing. The general rule is that a sentence cannot have an indirect object unless it has a direct object; however, exceptions do exist.

What is direct and indirect object with examples?

A direct object answers the question of who(m) or what. An indirect object answers the question of to whom, for whom, or for what. For example: Max pitched Alice the baseball.

Is an indirect object always a person?

The indirect object identifies the person/thing for whom/what the action of the verb is performed. The indirect object is usually a person or thing. Note that the object pronouns me, him, us, them etc., are not always indirect objects. Sometimes, they also serve as direct objects.

How do you identify a direct object?

To find the direct object, say the subject and verb followed by whom or what. If nothing answers the question whom or what, you know that there is no direct object. Example: The car hit the tree.

How do you identify an indirect object?

To find an indirect object:

  1. Find the verb. Is it an action verb?
  2. If it is an action verb, put the verb in the blank and ask “____ who or what?” Now, you have found the direct object.
  3. Now, ask “to whom or for whom”? If the sentence tells you the answer to this question, you have found an indirect object.