How do you ask someone what hurts in Spanish?

How do you ask someone what hurts in Spanish?

you can say ‘tiene dolor’ or ‘duele’ which is a conjugation of ‘doler’ which means to hurt. Either is how I would say it.

What is the correct way to say my head hurts in Spanish?

Tengo la cabeza hinchada

What are the forms of doler in Spanish?

Doler is a Spanish verb typically used in the 3rd person meaning to hurt….Doler Conjugation: 3rd Person, Present Tense.

A mí, me duele(n)
A él/ella, le duele(n)
A nosotros/as, nos duele(n)
A vosotros/as, os duele(n)
A ellos/ellas, les duele(n)

How do you tell the difference between direct and indirect objects in Spanish?

A direct object receives the action of the verb. An indirect object is indirectly affected by the action of a verb. ‘Direct object pronouns’ and ‘indirect object pronouns’ are the words you use to replace the direct and indirect objects of a sentence.

What two questions do direct objects answer Spanish?

The direct object answers the question “what?” or “whom?” with regard to what the subject of the sentence is doing.

What comes first DOP or IOP?

IOP must come before the DOP. Also, if the first both the DOP & IOPbegin with an “L” (3rd person), then the IOP becomes “se”.

What happens when both the IOP and DOP start with the letter L?

The use of se When two object pronouns beginning with the letter l (le, les, la, lo, las, los) are used together, the first pronoun, which is always the I.O.P., changes to se.

How do you do IOP and DOP?

How to Use Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Together

  1. Object pronouns agree in person and number (and gender) with the nouns they replace.
  2. Object pronouns usually come in front of verbs.
  3. When using both DOPs and IOPs: subject → IOP → DOP → verb.

How can I improve my Spanish grammar?

6 Powerful Ways to Practice Advanced Spanish Grammar

  1. Read Rules and Reference Material Online.
  2. Think, Create, Write.
  3. Print and Read.
  4. Buy an Advanced Spanish Grammar Workbook and Reference Book.
  5. Do Advanced Spanish Grammar Exercises Online.
  6. Start Talking and Make Many Mistakes.

Why is Spanish grammar so hard?

Why is Spanish so difficult? Spanish can be deceptively difficult. This can be because of the fact that many Spanish words are cognates, or words which sound the same in two or more languages. (Check out our list of Spanish cognates here.