How do you describe a boy?

How do you describe a boy?

Words to Describe a Man’s Personality

  • aggressive.
  • arrogant.
  • assertive.
  • charming.
  • cocky.
  • confident.
  • dependable.
  • funny.

How would you describe a good boy?

Here are some adjectives for good boy: dear, prodigal, real, mighty, naughty, meek, extra, awful, able, plain, innocent, own, steady, nice, wonderful, glorious, classic, poor, splendid, little, typical, most, damned, same. You can get the definitions of these adjectives by clicking on them.

How do you describe a little boy?

Here are some adjectives for little boy: generally nasty, naughty and impertinent, pale and bright-eyed, extraordinarily devout, troublingly quiet, welly greedy, shy but well-behaved, particularly painstaking, adesperately unhappy, grubby but sweet, meek and apprehensive, smudged and ragged, ugly sad, defiant and …

What is another word for cute for a boy?

“Their new baby boy is just so cute!”…What is another word for cute?

adorable dear
amiable elegant
comely prepossessing
beguiling delectable
enticing gorgeous

How do you say a cute baby boy?

Ways to Describe a Cute Baby Boy

  1. fetching.
  2. fair.
  3. attractive.
  4. knockout.
  5. lovely.
  6. seemly.
  7. taking.
  8. well-favored.

Can we use beautiful for a baby boy?

Yes, you can absolutely use the word “beautiful” for a boy (or a man).

Can I call a baby boy beautiful?

If the boy is still a child, pre-adolescent, he can be described as being beautiful. sounds perfectly acceptable to my ears. The boy himself might object to being called beautiful once he turns into a teenager, as it is usually considered an effeminate term.

What is beautiful boy meaning?

1 adj A beautiful person is very attractive to look at., (Antonym: ugly) She was a very beautiful woman…, To me he is the most beautiful child in the world.

How would you describe a cute boy in one word?


  • attractive.
  • bonny.
  • comely.
  • easy on the eyes.
  • fine-looking.
  • good-looking.
  • gorgeous.
  • handsome.

How do you describe someone who is adorable?

Adorable means lovable, sweet, and childlike. The adjective adorable is mostly used to mean “cute,” when someone is describing something sweet or charming, like a baby or a pretty dress.

Can Adorable be used for a boy?

Yes. If the adult is adorable. Adorable can be used with adults, and domestic animals.

What does adorable mean in English?

extremely charming

How do you use the word adorable?

  1. He is adorable for his devotion to science.
  2. Your smile looks adorable. You should wear it more often.
  3. Your dress is absolutely adorable.
  4. My darling, you are adorable.
  5. The calves were really adorable.
  6. Oh what an adorable little baby!
  7. She has the most adorable two-year-old girl.
  8. What an adorable child!

What does it mean if a girl calls you adorable?

A girl calling you adorable, by itself, it wouldn’t mean much other than that she was complimenting you as a friend. If she also shows other signs of attraction around you then it would be more likely that she called you adorable due to being attracted to you.

What does adorable mean to a guy?

A guy calling you adorable might mean that he likes you especially if he only says it to you, if he says other similar things to you and if he shows other signs of attraction around you. He might also be teasing you, being condescending or doing it as a power-play.

Can you call a guy cute?

So yes, it is okay to call a guy cute. to me “handsome” always sounded like you’re calling the guy some baywatch character ripoff. it’s not an adjective i really like, lol. “cute” sounds much more of a genuine compliment, i think, and i never really associate it with something childish or girly.

Is being called cute by a guy a good thing?

Being called “cute” is a wonderful compliment to either a man or a woman. The word cute is typically used as a synonym to the words “very attractive”. Some people use “cute” instead of “beautiful” because the word cute has less of an emotional charge to it while conveying a similar idea.

How do you respond to being called adorable?

5 ways on how to respond when someone calls you cute: When it’s a crush

  1. 01“You must be looking at a mirror.”
  2. 02“Coming from you, that means a lot.”
  3. 03“I guess hanging out with you rubbed off on me.”
  4. 04“Sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else.
  5. 05“I guess that makes two of us!
  6. 06“Thank you, I appreciate that.”