How do you describe appearance in German?

How do you describe appearance in German?

ich bin klein – I’m small (size) ich habe grüne Augen – I have green eyes (eyes) ich habe lange Haare – I have long hair (hair) ich habe einen Bart – I have a beard (other features)

How do you ask someone’s family in German?

YOU: du – Sie When a German-speaker is asked his or her name, the reply will be the last or family name, not the first name. The more formal question, Wie ist Ihr Name?, as well as the standard Wie heißen Sie?, should be understood as “what is your LAST name?”

What’s another word for repeatedly?

Repeatedly Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for repeatedly?

often frequently
constantly continually
oftentimes regularly
recurrently oft
ofttimes persistently

What can’t stand for?

: to hate I can’t stand him.

Can’t stand me take a seat meaning?

Many caregivers also find that they struggle to stand after they’ve been sitting. I can’t believe I let myself get taken like that. sit meaning: 1. to (cause someone to) be in a position in which the lower part of the body is resting on a seat….

What’s the word when you can’t stand someone?

other words for can’t stand abhor. despise. detest. loathe. scorn.

Can’t stand to do or doing?

“Can’t stand to do something” and “can’t stand doing something” are often interchangeable. They mean just about the same thing. However, there is a small difference. The infinitive after “can’t stand” and some other verbs often describes something happening at the moment.

Can’t stand is followed by?

So many American linguistics say that the verb can’t stand is followed by either a gerund or an infinitive. Mainly British grammarians say that it is usually followed by a gerund.

Can’t stand doing Meaning?

someone can’t stand to do something ​Definitions and Synonyms. phrase. DEFINITIONS1. 1. used for saying that someone dislikes something so much that they cannot allow it to happen.

When you can’t stand something any longer it means that?

1. used for saying that a person dislikes someone or something very much.