How do you find the noun clause in a sentence?

How do you find the noun clause in a sentence?

A noun clause is a dependent clause that acts as a noun. Noun clauses begin with words such as how, that, what, whatever, when, where, whether, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, and why. Noun clauses can act as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, predicate nominatives, or objects of a preposition.

What questions does a noun clause answer?

Noun Clauses A noun clause is a dependent clause which takes the place of a noun in another clause or phrase. Like a noun, a noun clause acts as the subject or object of a verb or the object of a preposition, answering the questions “who(m)?” or “what?”.

What is nominal clause?

A nominal clause is a group of words with a conjugated verb in it that acts as a noun. Also called a noun clause, this structure can fulfill virtually all functions of a noun. A nominal clause starts with words like that, the fact that, whether, when, and many other subordinating conjunctions.

What are clauses in sentences?

A clause is one or more phrases linked to a verb that work very tightly together. For example: The angry dog barks. In this clause – which could also be used as a sentence – the noun phrase is ‘the angry dog’ and the verb is ‘barks’.

What do u mean by embedded?

to fix into a surrounding mass: to embed stones in cement. to surround tightly or firmly; envelop or enclose: Thick cotton padding embedded the precious vase in its box. to incorporate or contain as an essential part or characteristic: A love of color is embedded in all of her paintings.

What does Embedded mean on a phone?

An embedded device is an object that contains a special-purpose computing system. Embedded devices in complex manufactured products, such as automobiles, are often headless. This simply means that the device’s software does not have a user interface (UI).

Is a phone an embedded system?

An embedded system is a special-purpose computer system designed to perform a dedicated function. So in that way mobile phone is not an embedded system because it has no super loop and it can do various general purpose things just like a computer….