How do you identify a synecdoche?

How do you identify a synecdoche?

Here’s a quick and simple definition: Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which, most often, a part of something is used to refer to its whole. For example, “The captain commands one hundred sails” is a synecdoche that uses “sails” to refer to ships—ships being the thing of which a sail is a part.

What are some literary devices in Lord of the Flies?

The literary devices used in chapter three of Lord of the Flies include similes, personification, foreshadowing, and alliteration.

What is synecdoche?

Synecdoche refers to a literary device in which a part of something is substituted for the whole (as hired hand for “worker”), or less commonly, a whole represents a part (as when society denotes “high society”).

How can you tell the difference between metonymy and synecdoche?

If the word being used is referencing a concept, then it’s metonymy, if the word is a part of the whole that is being referenced then it’s a synecdoche. Or, the other way around, if a word is referencing a whole, but is meant to reference a part then it is a synecdoche as well.

Is the crown a metonymy?

A metonymy is a literary device in which one representative term stands in for something else. For instance, “the Crown” is a metonymy for monarchy rule. A king wears a crown — which is where this metonymy originated — but “the Crown” does not just refer to the king. It refers to the whole system of government.

How do you write a metonymy?

In order to write a metonymy,

  1. Examine a sentence for a phrase which can be shortened or replaced with a defining characteristic or associated idea.
  2. Replace the phrase with the metonymic phrase.

What are some examples of Litotes?

Litotes Examples in Common Expressions

  • It’s not rocket science.
  • He’s no spring chicken.
  • It’s not my first rodeo.
  • He isn’t the brightest bulb in the box.
  • You won’t be sorry you bought this knife set.
  • I don’t deny that it was wrong.
  • The trip wasn’t a total loss.
  • He doesn’t always have the best sense of direction.

How do you write Litotes?

Normal Sentence: She was having a bad day. With Litotes: She was not having the best day. Normal Sentence: The French Revolution had a major in influence on philosophy. With Litotes: The influence of the French Revolution on philosophy was not inconsiderable.

What is the difference between tautology and pleonasm?

Pleonasm has a sense of using an unnecessary overabundance of redundant words in one description. Tautology has a sense of saying the exact same in different words, using multiple words with the same meaning.

What are 2 words that mean the same thing?

synonymous Add to list Share. If two words are synonymous, they mean the same thing.

What are unnecessary words called?

A word which adds nothing extra to a sentence is called a pleonasm. A word which merely repeats the meaning of another word in an expression is called a tautology. These are both cases of redundant words and can be omitted. Listed below are a few redundant expressions commonly used.

Is period of time a tautology?

1 Answer. Tautology is: It is important to understand that a period of time can be any length, and your premise that ‘a period of time’ repeats the meaning of extensive is incorrect. This also holds for ‘extensive amounts of time’, since amounts of time holds no indication as to the duration.