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How do you in-text cite two sentences?

How do you in-text cite two sentences?

You can alternate this with putting the in-text cite in parentheses at the end of other sentences or the paragraph. Try to make it clear in each following sentence if it is still coming from the same source, using phrases like “According to”, “They also state…”, “That article concludes…”.

How do you cite a passage in-text?

In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a page number enclosed in parentheses. “Here’s a direct quote” (Smith 8). If the author’s name is not given, then use the first word or words of the title. Follow the same formatting that was used in the works cited list, such as quotation marks.

How do you cite a quote in a thesis?

The parenthetical cite should always contain the author’s surname, the publication year of the work, and the page citation or paragraph number (for nonpaginated material). Direct quotations can vary in length. Quotes fewer than 40 words should be incorporated into the text of the paragraph.

Can you start a thesis with a quote?

It is usually best not to begin or end your introductory paragraph with a quotation. You weaken your argument by relying on someone else’s words so early on in the paper. If you do quote in the first paragraph, make sure it is short and to the point.

Can you start a thesis statement with a quote?

The opening words of an essay should immediately enmesh the reader in your wiles. To start with a quote is not wrong, but you may do better, as onomatomaniak suggested, to “think of an engaging first sentence that makes the reader think you have something interesting to say.”

How do you use inspite and despite in a sentence?

“In spite of” means exactly the same thing and is used exactly the same way as “despite.” She had difficulty communicating in French in spite of all her years of study. We lost the game, in spite of the fact that we practiced all week. In spite of not having an umbrella, I walked home in the rain.