How do you list your education on a resume?

How do you list your education on a resume?

How to List Education on a ResumeStart with your most recent degree or education in progress.List the name of your school and its location.Provide dates attended and graduation date (or expected graduation date).Show off the degree you earned or are working on.Share your field of study.Mention your GPA (if it’s above 3.5).

How do I list my concentration on my resume?

List all your degrees in the education section of your resume. Put your degrees on a resume in the reverse-chronological order. Consider adding extra information about your degree on a resume (e.g. GPA, Latin honors, coursework, etc.).

How do you write double major on resume?

Use the following steps when including a double major in your resume: Format your education section. List degrees separately….Proofread your resume.Format your education section. List separate degrees if you have them. List your primary major first. Highlight minors relevant to the job.

How do you list multiple degrees on a resume?

Organizing Multiple Degrees on a Resume When organizing the different schools you attended, list them in reverse chronological order. In other words, the highest degree earned should be at the top. For example, your master’s degree should be listed above your bachelor’s degree. Have you attended college?

Should I list my college if I didn’t graduate?

If you attended college but didn’t graduate, you can still list your education on your resume. List the name of your institution, along with a line clarifying “X years completed” or “X credit hours completed.”

How do you list a pending degree on a resume?

In the education portion of your resume, after the name of your university or college, list your intended degree. If graduation is near, you may want to use the word “Pending” along with the commencement date.

What to write in resume if result is pending?

With regards to formatting your resume or CV, you have not yet completed the program. Until the final grades are in and credit has been granted for all courses, you are still expecting to complete the program. This is usually indicated by simply putting the word “expected” before the month and year you graduate.