How do you pronounce bruit in medical terms?

How do you pronounce bruit in medical terms?

Bruit is traditionally pronounced broot, rhyming with boot, although the etymologically accurate pronunciation bru´e or bru-e´ is common in North American medical parlance. In addition, while bruit and murmur are technically synonymous, the term bruit is generally reserved for arterial sounds in North America.

What is the meaning of Bruit?

Bruit: A sound heard over an artery or vascular channel, reflecting turbulence of flow. Most commonly, a bruit is caused by abnormal narrowing of an artery.

Are Bruits normal?

Cranial and orbital bruits (Table 18.2) are usually normal, innocent findings in younger persons, occurring in 30 to 60% of normal infants and children under 6 years of age.

How do you use bruit in a sentence?

Bruit in a Sentence ?

  1. The soldier delivered a bruit to his commander, detailing the events of the mission his soldiers had been dispatched on.
  2. My rival spread a bruit about me to the rest of the class, trying to make me look bad with idle gossip.

Can you feel a bruit?

Although the bruit is usually heard with a stethoscope, it also can be felt on the overlying skin as a vibration, also referred to as a thrill.

What is the difference between a bruit and a murmur?

When normal laminar blood flow within the heart is disrupted, an audible sound is created by turbulent blood flow. Outside of the heart, audible turbulence is referred to as a bruit, whereas inside the heart it is called a murmur.

How do you use maudlin in a sentence?

Maudlin sentence example Getting all maudlin on this happy outing. You didn’t invite me out here to listen to my maudlin rambling. But – I don’t want to get too maudlin . In the early 1990s, it was easy for one to get rather maudlin about the new cars that were being introduced.

What is quixotic in a sentence?

Definition of Quixotic. unrealistic and impractical. Examples of Quixotic in a sentence. 1. Although Jack’s plan for killing the giant was quixotic, it was the village’s only hope.

What is an example of zealous?

The definition of zealous is having passionate energy for a belief or purpose. An example of zealous is a preacher in an energetic church. Full of zeal; ardent, fervent; exhibiting enthusiasm or strong passion.

Can humans zealous?

Zealous is the adjective for the noun zeal, “eager partisanship”; the latter has a long e, but zealous has a short one: ZEL-uhs. It can have a slightly negative connotation, and people are sometimes described as overzealous, meaning they try too hard.

What does eager or zealous mean?

Eager adjective – Showing urgent desire or interest. Zealous is a synonym for eager in keen topic.

How do you use zealous?

Zealous in a Sentence ?

  1. Because my husband is a zealous supporter of the high school football team, he donates money to their organization every year.
  2. No one was surprised when the zealous protestors tore down the fence.
  3. Although Jack is a zealous dog lover, he does not allow his pets to sleep on his bed.

What is a sentence for coerce?

Coerce sentence example. He even managed to coerce the children into doing the dishes. When the king brought over a few Irish soldiers to coerce the English, Sarsfield came in command of them.

How do you use jealous in a sentence?

  1. The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
  2. I was jealous of Mary’s new bicycle.
  3. Why are you so jealous of his success?
  4. There is no reason to be jealous of me.
  5. Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me.
  6. Nick’s starting to get possessive and jealous.
  7. Me, jealous?

What is a sentence for quarry?

Quarry sentence example. I went skinny dipping in the quarry where I’d been told not to go. There is a large limestone quarry within the borough limits.

How deep can a quarry go?

50 ft

What does quarry mean in English?

1 : an open excavation usually for obtaining building stone, slate, or limestone. 2 : a rich source.

Why are quarry lakes dangerous?

Quarries are extremely dangerous places to swim. Steep drop-offs, deep water, sharp rocks, flooded equipment, submerged wire, and industrial waste make swimming risky. Another risk factor is the very cold water. This groundwater inflow can keep the quarry water very cold even in late summer.