How do you respond to Quien es?

How do you respond to Quién es?

¿Quién es? could be the prelude to answer “la vieja Inés”, then simultaneously is asked ¿Qué quería? and new answer is “comer sandía”. Out of jokes ¿Quién es? is the way to ask for a single person in Spanish language and it is used to translate “who is it”.

How do you use cual vs que?

Generally speaking, we can say that cuál (which) is used to ask about the identity of a person or a thing in a group. Cuál is a question about choice. The pronoun qué is for questions about identity as well, but it’s used in direct questions rather than in ones that involve making a choice.

Is El problema masculine?

El problema is masculine: Men cause problems. La solución is feminine: Women solve them!

Why is el mapa masculine?

Even though “mappa” is a feminine noun, “mappa mundi” (map of the world) was lexicalised in Spanish as a masculine noun, and “mapa” is an abbreviation of that expression, retaining the masculine gender.

Is Tiempo masculine?

I checked the dictionary here, and the translation given from English for “weather” is “el tiempo”, and climate was translated la clima, although it then said clima was masculine. Tiempo is given as both time and weather under different meanings in the same entry.

Are Poemas feminine?

There are some words which end in ‘a’ that are masculine (el mapa, el problema, el día, el planeta, el poema…) And a few words that end in ‘o’ are feminine (la radio, la mano…) Many masculine nouns that end in a consonant also have a female version that end in ‘a’.

Is Cafe a color?

Coffee is a brownish color that is a representation of the color of a roasted coffee bean. Different types of coffee beans have different colors when roasted—the color coffee represents an average….

Café au Lait
ISCC–NBS descriptor Light brown
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

Is tea a color?

The color of tea we see normally is green, and when the tea is served in the cup, it also looks green. Then why we use tea color to discribe the color of brown. When those process is completed, the color of the tea is dark brown. When bancha is served in the cup, the color is almost brown or yellow, and far from green.

What does CAFE mean in Spanish color?

The first thing that came to my mind was that “café” means brown. But I know marrón also means brown.

What is the difference between Marron and Cafe?

I use uniquely Café for the color, castaño for the hair color and moreno for the skin color. Marrón is the same as Café but I’ve never heard it nor used. Same as Marrón, pardo is for the skin color but I think this one is offensive. The beverage came first, there are cognates in a lot of languages.

What does the word gris mean in Spanish?

gray noun. color gris, rucio. drab adjective. monótono, pardusco, triste tensamente. dull adjective.

Is Rosa Spanish for Rose?

adjective. (= rose-coloured) (de color de) rosa (inv) ⧫ rosado. rose pink rosado ⧫ rosa.

Is Gris Gray?

Something that is grey is the colour of ashes or of clouds on a rainy day.