How do you say do you know how do you play in Spanish?

How do you say do you know how do you play in Spanish?

Do you know how to play | Spanish Translator. ¿Sabes jugar?

What are the two ways to say to play in Spanish?

tocar, jugar. tocar = to touch or play an instrument. jugar = to play a sport…

What does Jugaad mean?

Jugaad (“Jugaar”) is a colloquial Hindi (Devanagari: जुगाड़ (जुगाड)), Bengali (জোগাড়), Marathi जुगाड, Punjabi, Sindhi and Urdu (جگاڑ) word, which refers to a non-conventional, frugal innovation, often termed a “hack”.

Why is it called Jugaad?

Answer: Jugad means something that is made to serve a purpose on temporary basis. Jugad, which is used as a means of transport in Gujarat, makes use of waste materials. The front part of a motorcycle is attached to wooden planks that are used to make a carriage at the back.

Where do we see Jugaad?

Collectively, this smartness is known as jugaad in north India. It includes the insufferable stories of the dabbawalas of Mumbai, who collect and deliver lunch boxes with precision, and an enterprising Sikh man who uses a washing machine to make lassi.

Can you tell why it is called Jugaad?

How is Jugaad made?

The Jugaad is made up of a wooden chassis, a locally made engine or a water pump-set attached to the wheels and the steering wheel of a discarded jeep or a truck. Bhan, a former electrician, sources engine parts from Agra and assembles them at his Todabhim workshop.

Is Jugaad an English word?

The world’s most trusted English dictionary Oxford has officially accepted the word ‘Jugaad’ in their latest update. According to the dictionary, noun Jugaad means a flexible approach to solve a problem, that uses limited resources in an innovative way.

Which bridge would you like to use Why?

Answer. Answer: I would like to use cement bridge. It is easier to walk on and safe also.

Why do we need bridge?

A bridge helps maintain the natural shape of your face and may help support your lips and cheeks. The loss of a back tooth may cause your mouth to sink and your face to look older. More important, though, your dental health may suffer when teeth are not replaced. As a result, even more teeth may eventually be lost.

What difficulties would you face without bridge?


  • It would be difficulties to cross river canales, railway line , and busy roads with out bridges.
  • without bridge distance would be longer and it would take more time.

What do you see below the bridge?

What did you see below the bridge? Ans. I saw water and some boats below the bridge.

Why bridges are made answer?

Answer: Bridges are usually made to make the travelling across different terrains easier.

What did Omana see through the window?

She saw beautiful fields with red soil and green crops. She also saw hills covered with trees. (b) Among the vehicles Omana saw at the level-crossing, buses, cars, autorickshaws, trucks, motorcycles and scooters run on diesel or petrol.

Where have you seen crowds of people?

I have seen crowds of people in and around the temples, railway stations, bus stops, hospitals, cinema halls, shopping malls, fairs, and parties etc.

Which tribe of Red Indians attacked Traveller?

Sioux tribe

Why are the two children nobody’s friend?

Answer: The two children are nobody’s friends because they do not share their things with anyone. What does the child in the last stanza want to share? The child in the last stanza wants to share his sweets, ball, books, games, apple and cake.

Why did the people of Kangleipak love their king and queen?

Answer: The people of Kangleipak loved their king and queen because they loved them very much and always wanted to see them happy.

Why did sanatombi look like a small khongnang?

Ans. Sanatombi looked like a small khongnang (banyan tree) because all birds were flying around her, and sat on her shoulders and on her head. She held out her hands filled with grains and the birds flapped about her and pecked at the grains. She looked sad and felt the pain of the dead tree.

Why was sanatombi made queen?

Answer: Sanatombi was made the future queen because she had all the qualities of a good ruler. She did not believe in hurting anyone, not even trees.

Why did nobody sit next to Hari?

They crowded into the train and sat down – but nobody wanted to sit next to Hari because he always pinched. When they arrived at the seaside, out jumped all the children with a shout of joy. Down to the sands they raced, hand in hand – but nobody took Hari’s hand. Nobody went near him.

Why do kids hate Hari?

Why did all the children hate Hari? (i) Because he would not talk to anyone. (ii) Because he always pinched them. (iii) Because he loved stealing their food.

What is the moral of the story the little bully?

This story is a great way of teaching students about the consequences of bullying, it helps you realize that as you sow, so shall you reap.

Who taught Hari a lesson?

1 The seaside creatures, the crab, the lobster, etc. nipped Hari’s hand in their pincer, which made him yell in pain. This incident taught him a lesson and made him learn why all his classmates didn’t like him.

What did Malu learn to do from his parents?

Malu learnt to catch fish and swim from her parents.

How was Harry taught a lesson by sea creatures?

Answer. The seaside creatures, the crab, the lobster etc. pinched Hari’s hands in his great pincer like claws which made him shout loudly in pain. It is only after this incident that Hari realises that this is what he has been doing to everyone and how it hurts.

What did Hari take for lunch?
