How do you say fun in German?

How do you say fun in German?

Fun in German

  1. Spaß haben (to have fun) You can say „Ich habe Spaß” if you want to express that you are having fun.
  2. Spaß machen (to be fun) Some things as for instance dancing can be fun.
  3. Spaßig sein (to be fun) This is another way to express that something is fun but to be honest it is not used as much as “Spaß machen”.

What does Langenscheidt mean?

Add a comment. 6. “Langenscheidt” refers to a well-known German publisher of foreign language dictionaries and is sometimes used as a generic term for “dictionary”.

What is the meaning of Digga?

What does it mean? Digga is simply word you use when addressing a friend, like “mate”, “dude” or “bro”. It’s older variation, Dicker, technically means “fat guy” but the most common use if the term has nothing to do with weight.

What does Moin Digga mean?

The greeting (Male) friends often address themselves with “Digga” (Dude): “Moin Digga, was geht?” (Hello dear friend, how are you today?)

Where does the German word Digga come from?

Simply put, Digga is the Northern German way to say bro. The word is derived from the German word Dicker, which, in this context, means close friend.

What does slang mean in German?

Slang- slang expression Slangausdruck m. transitive verb. (esp Brit inf) to slang sb jdn beschimpfen.

What are the most common phrases in German?

Basic German Phrases

  • Guten Tag = Good morning.
  • Hallo = Hello.
  • Ich heiße … = My name is …
  • Sprechen Sie Englisch? = Do you speak English?
  • Wie heißt du? = What’s your name?
  • Wie geht es dir? = How are you?
  • Gut, danke = Fine, thank you.
  • Nett, Sie kennen zu lernen = Nice to meet you.

What is a typical southern German greeting?

Saying hello The most common ways to greet someone in German are. Hallo (Hello) Grüß Gott (Hello [in Southern Germany]) Guten Morgen (Good morning) Guten Tag (Hello, Good afternoon)