How do you say he is a musician in Spanish?

How do you say he is a musician in Spanish?

musician n. músico, música nm, nf.

What is Músico in English?

British English: musician /mjuːˈzɪʃən/ NOUN. A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument as their job or hobby. He was a brilliant musician. American English: musician /myuˈzɪʃən/

What is a female musician in Spanish?

Musician is “músico” (masculine) or “música” (feminine).

Is El Cantante masculine or feminine?

This means that the noun can be masculine or feminine, depending on the gender of person it refers to (e.g. el doctor, la doctora). Encuentra la muñeca cantante de su hija muy irritante. He finds his daughter’s singing doll to be very annoying.

How do u spell laugh?


  1. laegh – 13.9%
  2. lgh – 7.62%
  3. laug – 5.33%
  4. lagh – 3.43%
  5. laph – 2.67%
  6. Other – 67.05%

What is a giggle fit?

Giggle fits are usually harmless outbursts of laughter, more common in children than adults. But sometimes, the giggling becomes overwhelming, socially awkward and uncontrollable. Such episodes can be unproductive, embarrassing and indicative of other problems, such as anxiety.

What happens when giggle?

Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. Activate and relieve your stress response.

Why do I always giggle?

Rather, it’s a physical reaction to stress, tension, confusion, or anxiety. According to neuroscientist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, We have nervous laughter because we want to make ourselves think what horrible thing we encountered isn’t really as horrible as it appears, something we want to believe.

Why do I laugh when someone is crying?

It is possible that feeling the emotion of the crying person would be too much for you, so your psychology uses laughter to make it lighter, diffuse the tension and protect you form the stress that you were to experience if you were to feel the pain of the person crying.

Why do I laugh in serious moments?

Nervous laughter is a physical reaction to stress, tension, confusion, or anxiety. People laugh when they need to project dignity and control during times of stress and anxiety. In these situations, people usually laugh in a subconscious attempt to reduce stress and calm down, however, it often works otherwise.