How do you say I wish you a speedy recovery in German?

How do you say I wish you a speedy recovery in German?

I wish you a speedy recovery! Ich wünsche dir / Ihnen gute Besserung!

How do you wish someone recovery in German?

Ich wunsche ihnen gute besserung.

How do you wish someone well in German?


  1. Ich halte/drücke (dir) die Daumen. – I’ll cross my fingers (for you).
  2. Hals- und Beinbruch! – Good luck!
  3. (Ich wünsche) guten Appetit/gesegnete Mahlzeit.
  4. Prost!/ Auf Ihr Wohl!/ Zum Wohl!
  5. Ich wünsche Ihnen gute Reise!/ Gute Reise!
  6. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
  7. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
  8. Gesundheit!

How do you wish someone good health in German?

“I wish you good health” in German

  • ich wünsche Ihnen beste Gesundheit.
  • ich wünsche dir beste Gesundheit.

How do you end a friendly letter in German?

Choose a formal ending phrase if you’ve determined that your letter is a formal one.

  1. Hochachtungsvoll (With the highest regards/reverence)
  2. Mit freundlichen Grüßen (Sincerely)
  3. Mit besten Grüßen (With best regards)
  4. Mit freundlichen Empfehlungen (With friendly compliments)
  5. Freundliche Grüße (Kind regards)

What is the German word for email?


How do you end a formal email in German?

For a formal email Mit freundlichen Grüßen (yours sincerely) and Mit freundlichem Gruß (regards) are both perfectly acceptable closings for formal emails.

How do you start a formal email in German?

The opening line: The opening line in a polite German email is “Sehr geehrte Frau [last name]” or Sehr geehrter Herr [last name], literally translating to “most respected Mrs. or Mr.” but it sounds less stuffy in German. Note the feminine and masculine endings: geehrte and geehrter.

How do you address a German professor in an email?

The best way to address a German professor is “Dear Professor *last name+”. Never ever address a senior person by his/her first name. This is considered extremely rude. “Hi” or “Hello” is also inappropriate.

What do German email addresses end with?

.de is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Federal Republic of Germany. DENIC (the Network Information Centre responsible for .de domains) does not require specific second-level domains, and there are no official ccSLDs under .de ccTLD, as it is the case with the .

What is the most popular email provider in Germany?


Does Germany use Gmail?

Google Germany has announced that its email service is now known as Gmail, meaning that “Gmail is Gmail everywhere.”

Why is Germany called Deutschland?

For example, in the German language, the country is known as Deutschland from the Old High German diutisc, in Spanish as Alemania and in French as Allemagne from the name of the Alamanni tribe, in Italian as Germania from the Latin Germania (although the German people are called tedeschi), in Polish as Niemcy from the …

Is Deutschland the same as Germany?

Originally Answered: Why does the same country call itself ‘Deutschland’ while others call it ‘Germany’ and still others call it ‘Alemania? Because language. Deutschland, or “Teutonland”, is the native German name for Germany.

Why do Spanish call Germany Alemania?

According to then “Alemania” is a word from Latin . The reason why Germany is most likely called Alemania in Spanish and Allemagne in French is due to the Alemanni tribes of Germany that were one of the largest cultural groups of the region in the late period of the Roman Empire and early era of the Medieval Period.

How can I impress a German girl?

Be outgoing and quick with a joke, and be equally quick to laugh at hers. With German women, respect gets respect – she’s going to bring just as many jokes and stories to the table as you are. She’s also going to expect to pay, at least for her share, so don’t be surprised when her card is flung on the table.

How can I marry a German girl?

  1. Either go to Germany or find a German girl in your place of residence.
  2. Ideally, you should love her.
  3. She should love you, too.
  4. You propose marriage.
  5. She says yes.
  6. You find a venue.
  7. You decide who is paying for what.
  8. You get married by an ordained minister.