How do you spell finally in English?

How do you spell finally in English?

Spelling of Finally: Finally is spelled f-i-n-a-l-l-y. Definition of Finally: Finally is an adverb meaning after a long time, and it usually involves some sort of delay or difficulty.

How do you spell finally finally?


  1. after a long delay; at last; eventually.
  2. at the end or final point; lastly.
  3. completely; conclusively; irrevocably.

Which one is correct finally or Finaly?

The main difference between Finally and Finaly is that the Finally is at the end or conclusion; ultimately and Finaly is a misspelling of finally. At the end or conclusion ; ultimately.

Can you eat Flamingo?

You can eat a flamingo. In the U.S., as in many other countries, hunting and eating flamingos is illegal. For the most part, migratory birds are protected under federal law, and the American flamingo falls under that protection.

Do Flamingos taste good?

Their meat is considered to be a delicacy in some cultures. Some people describe the taste as gamey, like venison. It can also be served with a sauce to cover the gamier flavor and taste more sweet or salty. The taste of flamingo is quite similar to duck or goose, but it has a light salty flavor.

What country eat monkey brains?


What does monkey meat taste like?

As for taste, it is hard to describe. It is not flavorful and certainly not tender. It is a bit greasy, like goat and tough like llama. But when your only source of protein is peanuts, eating monkey ass can be a treat.

What disease do you get from eating monkey brains?

Consuming the brain and other nervous system tissues of some animals is considered hazardous to human health, possibly resulting in transmissible encephalopathies such as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.

Why are monkey brains bad for you?

Eating monkey brains can actually give you monkey brains — in the form of a fatal, degenerative brain disease. Consuming the nerve tissues of mammals can be a health hazard, but eating the brain is especially dangerous because it can lead to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, also known as prion diseases.

Why is it bad to eat monkey?

The consumption of monkey meat could be threatening our existence, primatologist Cleve Hicks has warned. Due to the close genetic make-up of humans and nonhuman primates, such as monkeys, we run the risk of passing life-threatening diseases from species to species.

Is it cannibalism to eat a monkey?

So yes, ethically I would consider eating apes and monkeys to be a form of cannibalism. Although, in nature, chimps eat monkeys all the time, and some chimps eat other chimps. That’s one of the major distinctions between chimps and bonobos: Chimps are cannibalistic, while bonobos aren’t.

What does python meat taste like?

So, the big question: what does it taste like? “It tastes like chicken but chewier,” his wife Becky adds. Daniell admits that python meat “can be gamier.” The chef tenderizes the slabs of snake meat by marinating them for several hours. They are then sliced thinly into what he calls “snake slivers”.

Why do Chinese eat live food?

Eating live animals is the practice of humans eating animals that are still alive. It is a traditional practice in many East Asian food cultures. Animals may also be eaten alive for shock value. Religious prohibitions on the eating of live animals by humans are also present in various world religions.

Do Chinese eat donkeys?

On Earth, there is donkey meat.” The meat tastes gamey and full of flavor, more like beef than chicken or pork. Originally a northern Chinese delicacy from Hebei province, the donkey-based snack has spread to major cities across the country. “Most people in China are more likely to eat pigs, poultry, cattle and sheep.”