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How do you talk about something that happened in the past?

How do you talk about something that happened in the past?

Talking about the past

  1. We use the past simple to talk about:
  2. We do not normally use would with stative verbs. We use the past simple or used to instead:
  3. We use the past perfect when we are looking back from a point in the past to something earlier in the past:
  4. We use the present perfect:

Which form is used to talk about things that happened once in the past such as completed events in the past?

The Imperfect Tense and The Preterite Tense are both ways to talk about actions that happened in the past.

What do we use to talk about age in the past?

When talking about the past tense, we might use the past perfect (had + past participle), “Had you turned 21 when you lived abroad?” Possible answers: “Yes I had turned 21..” or “No, I hadn’t turned 21…” We could even use the simple past, “Did you turn 12 yesterday?” — “Yes, I turned 12!” “No, I turned 13!”

Is used to talk about actions that were completed before some point in the past?

The past perfect, also called the pluperfect, is a verb tense used to talk about actions that were completed before some point in the past.

What is the name of the tense we use to talk about things that have happened more than once in the past?

With the past perfect we use time expressions such as for five hours, for 2 weeks, for a long time, by the time. We can also use it to talk about the cause of something in the past. E.g.

How do we use would in the past?

The use of ‘would’ means that these things happened many times in the past. This idea can also be expressed by using the past simple, so the above sentence could be rewritten as: ‘. paintings were often commissioned by the wealthy, and, they were hung in the home.

How do you express your future in the past?


  1. Would is used to talk about a past future promise or prediction with no evidence.
  2. Was/were going to is used to talk about a past future firm plan, intention or a prediction with evidence.
  3. Was/were + continuous verb is used to talk about a future in the past that was a personal arrangement.

Would is past or future?

Would is a past-tense form of will. If you are writing about past events, you can use it to indicate something that was in the future at that point in time, but is not necessarily in the future right now. In other words, you use would to preserve the future aspect when talking about the past.

Is Present Past Future?

Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now, or things that are continuous. The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now).

Is has a past tense?

Have or has is used with a past participle to form the present perfect tense. This tense designates action which began in the past but continues into the present, or the effect of the action continues into the present.

Is there were correct grammar?

1 Answer. Answer #1 is correct; use the plural verb, were, because there are multiple toys. In my house, there were many toys. If you were talking about 1 pile of toys though, you would use “was,” the singular verb, because there is 1, single pile.

What if I was or what if I were?

Use ‘if I was’ for real situations that are in indicative mood. Used in a subjunctive mood, ‘if I were’ indicates an unreal situation. Something that can never happen. You are imagining a situation, that isn’t true yet or cannot be true.

Is if she were correct grammar?

“If she was” is past tense, indicative mood. It describes something that happened or may have happened in the past. “If she were” is present tense, subjunctive mood. It describes a hypothetical situation that is not true.

Why do we say if I were?

Why do you use IF I WERE and not IF I WAS? The reason we use WERE instead of WAS is because the sentence is in the SUBJUNCTIVE mood which is used for hypothetical situations. This is a condition which is contrary to fact or reality (the fact is, I am NOT you).

What is the meaning of if I were you?

B1. used when you give someone advice: If I were you, I’d probably go. I think I’d take the money if I were you.

What are the four conditional sentences?

There are 4 basic types of conditionals: zero, first, second, and third. It’s also possible to mix them up and use the first part of a sentence as one type of conditional and the second part as another.

Has had or had?

The present perfect form of have is have had. The past perfect form of have is had had (had + past participle form of have). The past perfect tense is used when we are talking about the past and want to refer back to an earlier past time.

Where we use have had?

Had had is the past perfect form of have when it is used as a main verb to describe our experiences and actions. We use the past perfect when we are talking about the past and want to refer back to an earlier past time, Madiini.

What is the meaning of have had?

“Have had” is using the verb have in the present perfect tense. Consider the present tense sentence: I have a lot of homework. This means that I have a lot of homework now. On the other hand, we use the present perfect tense to describe an event from the past that has some connection to the present.

What tense is have had?

Has had (or generally have/has + Past Participle) is a form of Present Perfect (Simple) tense. You use Present Perfect tense to talk about past events which are already over but have influence on the present.

What is the grammar rule for had?

The past perfect form of have is had had (had + past participle form of have). The past perfect tense is used when we are talking about the past and want to refer back to an earlier past time. She felt marvelous after she had had a good night’s sleep. They dismissed him before he had had a chance to apologize.

What tense is have or had?

The Past Perfect tense in English is composed of two parts: the past tense of the verb to have (had) + the past participle of the main verb.

Is having had correct?

“having had” is actually a modifier phrase and not used often on the GMAT. “have had” is present perfect. Below are examples of how each could be used in a sentence: Having had chicken pox as a child, I will never get that disease again.

What is the meaning of I have had enough?

phrase. If you say that you have had enough, you mean that you are unhappy with a situation and you want it to stop. I’ve had enough–there are limits even for the patience of a saint!

Has have had grammar rules?

Present Tense Uses of Have and Has. Both words are present tense forms of the verb to have. The past-tense form is had, and the present progressive tense (or continuous tense) is having.

Does having had make sense?

Having, a present participle, is being used to replace a clause starting with since. “Having had” is replacing “since he had had”. Now it makes sense.