How do you use besides?

How do you use besides?

Besides, it’s good for our health.” Here, it also means “also”. Besides that” means “in addition to that”. You use it to refer to something after having mentioned it before, e.g. “She likes studying, but has other interests besides that.” where “that” refers to “studying”.

What is another word for besides?

What is another word for besides that?

extra additionally
further furthermore
in addition on top
too also
as well along with it

Can you start a sentence with besides?

However, colloquially, beginning a sentence with “besides” makes perfect sense: “He didn’t go to the store because he was tired. You can also begin a sentence with “beside”, but it has a different meaning. “Beside” is a preposition of direction: “Beside the store was a toxic waste dump.”

What is besides in grammar?

“Besides” is also a preposition that means “in addition to” or “apart from.” It’s can also serve as an adverb that means “furthermore” or “another thing.” Example: Come and sit beside me. Your shirt is beside the closet.

Is besides a transition word?

again, also, and, as well as, besides, for one thing, further, furthermore, in addition to, last, likewise, more, moreover, next, similarly, too. To Illustrate or Explain an Idea. for example, for instance, in other words, in particular, namely, specifically, such as, that is, thus, to illustrate.

What does Hence mean?

1 : from this place : away. 2a archaic : henceforth. b : from this time four years hence. 3 : because of a preceding fact or premise : therefore.

What is more Moreover furthermore?

Moreover is the next level up from furthermore. Also is simple addition, furthermore is addition and advancing an argument, whereas moreover is addition, advancing an argument, and indicating that the added reason is of a different kind than previously furnished reasons.

What can I say instead of furthermore?

Synonyms of furthermore

  • additionally,
  • again,
  • also,
  • besides,
  • either,
  • further,
  • likewise,
  • more,

What are some examples of transition words?

And, in addition to, furthermore, moreover, besides, than, too, also, both-and, another, equally important, first, second, etc., again, further, last, finally, not only-but also, as well as, in the second place, next, likewise, similarly, in fact, as a result, consequently, in the same way, for example, for instance.

What is a transition word or phrase?

Transition words and phrases, also called linking or connecting words, are used to link together different ideas in your text. They help the reader to follow your arguments by expressing the relationships between different sentences or parts of a sentence.

What is a good transition sentence?

What are the components of good transition sentences? They make an explicit connection between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs. Good transitions use specific words. Try to avoid using pronouns like “this” to refer to an entire idea because it is not always clear who or what “this” refers to.

What is another word for smooth transition?


How do you use transition in a sentence?

Transition sentence example

  1. When did this transition happen?
  2. You were forced into a transition without being prepared for it.
  3. The transition from home to college life is often difficult for young people.
  4. She didn’t factor her transition into a human, either.

What does it mean when someone is transitioning?

Transitioning is the process of changing one’s gender presentation permanently to accord with one’s internal sense of one’s gender – the idea of what it means to be a man or a woman, or in-between. For example, someone may transition far with family and friends before even coming out at work.

What would it be like to read a text or speak to someone who didnt use transition?

Answer. Answer: You will feel tired on reading without transitions because there is no pause. sometimes you can not understand what u are reading because of the lack of transitions.

What is the transition in a paragraph?

In writing, a transition is a word or phrase that connects one idea to another. This connection can occur within a paragraph or between paragraphs. Transitions are used to show how sen- tences or paragraphs are related to each other and how they relate to the overall theme of the paper.

What are the 5 examples of transitions?

10 Types of Transitions

  • Addition. “Also, I have to stop at the store on the way home.”
  • Comparison. “In the same way, the author foreshadows a conflict between two minor characters.”
  • Concession. “Granted, you did not ask ahead of time.”
  • Contrast. “At the same time, what she said has some truth to it.”
  • Consequence.
  • Emphasis.
  • Example.
  • Sequence.

What are good transitions for essays?

Transition Word or Phrase and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what’s more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.)

How do you start a closing paragraph?

Avoid saying, “In conclusion”. There are other, more interesting, ways to start your conclusion. Try saying, “As the research has demonstrated.” You can also just introduce your final points by saying, “Finally…” You can also indicate that your reader is at the conclusion by saying, “To review…” or “We can see…”

What to say in a closing remarks?

Here are some options for ending your speech:

  1. Close with an inspirational quotation. Find a short quote that captures the feeling you want the audience to have.
  2. Include a call to action.
  3. Tell a story.
  4. Describe the impact of what happens if the audience does what you ask.
  5. Transition to Q+A.
  6. Match the opening sentence.

What is a good closing sentence?

Lesson Summary A concluding sentence indicates that you are bringing closure to a paragraph. For each paragraph, the reader should be able to identify what your key points are, based on the concluding sentence. It should not include any information that was not discussed in the paragraph.

What goes in a closing statement?

Generally, closing arguments should include: a summary of the evidence. any reasonable inferences that can be draw from the evidence. an attack on any holes or weaknesses in the other side’s case.

Who speaks last in closing arguments?

The defendant usually goes second. The plaintiff or prosecution is usually then permitted a final rebuttal argument. In some jurisdictions, however, this form is condensed, and the prosecution or plaintiff goes second, after the defense, with no rebuttals.

What do judges say when the case is closed?

Judge: (After verdict is read) Thank you, Jury, for your service today. Court is adjourned. Any attorney may object to a question asked of a witness on the stand or the admission of an exhibit if s/he feels that it does not follow a rule of evidence.

How do you draft a closing argument?

Anatomy of a Closing Argument : The Basics

  1. Focus on the key issues.
  2. Identify witness testimony and exhibits supporting each issue.
  3. Tell a the client’s story.
  4. Reinforce case themes.
  5. Help the jury tie things together in their mind.
  6. The organizational structure will vary depending on the case.

What are opening statements and closing arguments?

As the terms suggest, an “opening statement” comes at the beginning of the trial, while a “closing argument” occurs at the end of the trial after all the evidence is established.

How do you write a closing statement for arbitration?

Closing argument should tell the tribunal what actually happened at the hearing, take account of the full record as the evidence closes, and explain why the position laid out on opening was confirmed and vindicated. There can be no question that cases will develop during a hearing, sometimes substantially so.

How long is a closing argument?

20-60 minutes