How do you use correlative conjunction in a sentence?

How do you use correlative conjunction in a sentence?

Correlative Conjunctions

  1. either/or – I want either the cheesecake or the chocolate cake.
  2. both/and – We’ll have both the cheesecake and the chocolate cake.
  3. whether/or – I didn’t know whether you’d want the cheesecake or the chocolate cake, so I got both.
  4. neither/nor – Oh, you want neither the cheesecake nor the chocolate cake?

What is the word for more than happy?

cheerful, contented, overjoyed, ecstatic, elated, joyous, delighted, pleased, pleasant, lively, merry, peaceful, upbeat, joyful, glad, jubilant, thrilled, successful, apt, fortunate.

What word means more full of joy?

sprightly; bustling; happy; lively; cheerful; gay; full of joy; buoyant; brisk; jolly; high-spirited; merry; upbeat; in high spirits; good-tempered.

What is a better word for happiness?

SYNONYMS FOR happiness 1, 2 pleasure, joy, exhilaration, bliss, contentedness, delight, enjoyment, satisfaction.

How do you describe feeling happy?

Euphoric: A feeling of great happiness or well-being. Exhilarated: Feeling of happily refreshed and energetic; enliven, made joyful. Gleeful: Full of high-spirited delight; joy or merry. Jovial: Characterized by high-spirited merriment and good cheer.

What is correlative conjunction in English grammar?

Correlative conjunctions are pairs such as neither . . . nor, not . . . only, and but . . . also. These conjunctions connect two balanced clauses, phrases, or words. The two elements that correlative conjunctions connect are usually similar in length and grammatical structure.

What means asserted?

transitive verb. 1a : to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively The suspect continued to assert his innocence. b : to compel or demand acceptance or recognition of (something, such as one’s authority) …

How do you use ascertain?

Ascertain sentence example

  1. He could not ascertain the truth.
  2. You need to ascertain which is suitable for your safe dining.
  3. Please ascertain who has responsibility for this footpath.
  4. I immediately instituted an inquiry to ascertain the facts in the case.

What is to take umbrage?

Feel resentment, take offense, as in Aunt Agatha is quick to take umbrage at any suggestion to do things differently. This expression features one of the rare surviving uses of umbrage, which now means “resentment” but comes from the Latin umbra, for “shade,” and presumably alludes to the “shadow” of displeasure. [

Which word is similar to umbrage?

Some common synonyms of umbrage are dudgeon, huff, offense, pique, and resentment. While all these words mean “an emotional response to or an emotional state resulting from a slight or indignity,” umbrage may suggest hurt pride, resentment, or suspicion of another’s motives.

Who is a discerning person?

If you describe someone as discerning, you mean that they are able to judge which things of a particular kind are good and which are bad. [approval] Even the most accomplished writers show their work-in-progress to discerning readers. Synonyms: discriminating, knowing, sharp, critical More Synonyms of discerning.

What is the difference between discerning and judging?

Discernment and judgement are closely related The original meanings of the words “judgement” and “discernment” are quite close. Judgement, however, implies something more definitive in the way it tends to be used. A sort of, “this is the final answer”, feeling.

What is a discerning look?

Discerning is an adjective that comes from the Old French discerner, meaning to “distinguish (between), separate (by sifting)” — which makes sense, because someone with discerning tastes or a discerning eye is good at distinguishing the good from the bad and sifting out the gems from the junk.

What is a discerning heart?

God was pleased. Solomon did not ask for wealth, honor, or long life. He was asking for a discerning heart. The word discerning literally means hearing or listening. He is asking God for a “hearing heart.” He is saying, “Lord I want a heart to hear you.

Is discernment a skill?

Discernment is wisdom based not just knowledge based. Discernment is a learned skill that focuses on the process of reflection on the foundation of being a values based and principle-driven leader.

What is a discernment process?

Discernment is the ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to judge well (or the activity of so doing). The process of discernment within judgment, involves going past the mere perception of something and making nuanced judgments about its properties or qualities.

What is the difference between discernment and wisdom?

The main difference between Wisdom and Discernment is that the Wisdom is a deep understanding of or knowledge of a subject and Discernment is a activity of determining the value and quality of a certain subject.

What is discernment and why is it important?

In its simplest definition, discernment is nothing more than the ability to decide between truth and error, right and wrong. Discernment is the process of making careful distinctions in our thinking about truth.