How do you use the word precipitated?

How do you use the word precipitated?

Precipitated sentence example

  1. The issue was precipitated by the news of the revolution in Turkey.
  2. The condemnation precipitated an exodus to Rome.
  3. The experiments of Tyndall upon precipitated clouds have been already referred to.
  4. His flight, however, only precipitated events.

What is class 2 precipitation?

Precipitation is the release of water from the sky, it can be liquid or solid, for example, rain, sleet, hail and snow. Rain begins when small droplets of water join together in the clouds until they become too heavy and gravity pulls them down to earth.

What does 30% precipitation mean?

30% chance that it might rain that day. Instead, it means there’s a 100% chance it will rain, but said precipitation will only cover 30% of a given area.

What are precipitating causes?

the particular factor, sometimes a traumatic or stressful experience, that is the immediate cause of a mental or physical disorder. A single precipitating event may turn a latent condition into the manifest form of the disorder.

What is a precipitating event?

If something precipitates an event or situation, usually a bad one, it causes it to happen suddenly or sooner than normal. …

What are the 5 P’s of case formulation?

They conceptualized a way to look at clients and their problems, systematically and holistically taking into consideration the (1) Presenting problem, (2) Predisposing factors, (3) Precipitating factors, (4) Perpetuating factors, and (5) Protective factors.

What is a enabling factor?

Enabling factors are forces that facilitate or impede individual, collective, or environmental change based on their level of availability.

What are the 5 risk factors?

The five risk factors are:

  • increased blood pressure (greater than 130/85 mmHg)
  • high blood sugar levels (insulin resistance)
  • excess fat around the waist.
  • high triglyceride levels.
  • low levels of good cholesterol, or HDL.

What are the six risk factors?

We analysed the impacts of six risk factors: tobacco smoking, alcohol use, salt intake, obesity, and raised blood pressure and glucose.

What are the 4 types of risk behaviors?

The majority of adolescent death and illness are caused by risk behaviours that can be grouped into four categories: tobacco, alcohol and drug use; dietary behaviours; physical activity; and sexual behaviours [6, 7].

What are 4 types of risk Behaviour?

Four types of high risk behaviour namely road traffic accidents, violence, self-injurious and risky sexual behaviour were studied.

What are six risky situations youths are frequently exposed to?

1) Unprotected sexual activities. 2) Stong addiction of drugs and alcohol. 3) Addiction of different casino games which can cause financial damages. 4) Involvement in illegal works for easy earnings.

What causes risk taking behavior?

Genetics play a role in risk-taking behavior as well. 4 Identical twins separated at birth, for example, tend to engage in risk-taking behaviors at high rates. Testosterone appears to play a role as well, which is why there’s a gender imbalance in the people most likely to take part in risk-taking behaviors.

What is the impact of risk behavior?

The negative effects of risk behaviors are currently well known. They lead to personal, social and economic problems, and are associated with mortality, namely through accidents, violence and crime. Several factors are associated to risk behaviors.

What is risk Behaviour and why is it important?

Risk behavior is the behavior of individual that may result in negative consequences, risks to life, death, injury, violation etc. It is important for teenagers as during this age of life teens may not have a correct perspective of what is correct for them and what is not.