How do you use vraiment in a sentence?

How do you use vraiment in a sentence?

The adverb vraiment can be placed before or after the second part of the negation, however, the meaning of the sentence changes. Examples: Elle n’y connaissait pas vraiment grand chose. → She didn’t understand much about it.

How do you use vraiment?

However, if you’d like to use really in a sentence or phrase as an adverb you must use the word, “vraiment“. For example, if you want to say, “It was very good.” you’d say “C’était vraiment bon.” After watching the movie you can read through some sample sentences below.

What is wow in French?

Waouh! The closest thing to the english “wow!” exclamation in French is ” waouh “. Although it’s spelled differently, it has the same meaning, expressing surprise and amazement. Note that’s it’s sometimes spelled ” waou ” or even “waw”.

What is a better word than awesome?

SYNONYMS. breathtaking, amazing, stunning, astounding, astonishing, awe-inspiring, stupendous, staggering, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable. magnificent, wonderful, spectacular, remarkable, phenomenal, prodigious, miraculous, sublime.

What is a slang word for awesome?

Dope – Cool or awesome.

How do you say something is awesome?


  1. amazing.
  2. astonishing.
  3. awesome.
  4. breathtaking.
  5. grand.
  6. impressive.
  7. majestic.
  8. mind-blowing.

What is a professional word for cool?

sleek; streamlined; sexy; seductive; stylish; dynamic; innovative; astounding; impressive; breathtaking; elegant; smart; intelligent; unique etc.

What are different ways to say great?

100 Ways to Say “Great!”

  1. 100 Ways to Say Said.
  2. 250 Ways to Say Went.
  3. 100 Ways to Say Bad.
  4. 100 Ways to Say Good. Admirable! Amazing! Arresting! Astonishing! Astounding! Awesome! Awe-inspiring! Beautiful! Breathtaking! Brilliant! Capital! Captivating! Clever! Commendable! Delightful! Distinguished! Distinctive! Engaging!

How do you say OK in a fancy way?


  1. agreeable,
  2. all right,
  3. alright,
  4. copacetic.
  5. (also copasetic or copesetic),
  6. ducky,
  7. fine,
  8. good,

How do you say someone is great?

75 Compliments to Use When You Want to Say Something Nice

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.
  8. 8 Your passion always motivates me.

Is being called Simple a compliment?

In this context, “simple” is actually a compliment. Note also that “simple” is a relative term.

How do you praise a story?

Tell the reader that you enjoyed or appreciated his or her work. State specifically what you liked about the reader’s work. Close by thanking the writer for his or her work.

How do you praise a photo?

How to compliment a photo

  1. When complementing a photo, always pick something that you like about that person and use it to compliment the person.
  2. Point out something in the picture that you like.
  3. Compliment the colors in the photo.
  4. If you are complimenting on friends you can opt to make a joke.

What is the best comment for a beautiful picture?

  1. What a stunning view !!! Beauty at its best… Excellent Drama of colors!!!
  2. Amazing, I have never seen a photo like this.
  3. Expressions !! Gorgeous !! Pretty beautiful !!!
  4. Oh!
  5. In nature, light creates color.
  6. This picture is better than better.
  7. The beauty has no boundaries in this picture.
  8. Perfect click without any doubt.

What are good quotes for a picture?

“If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.” “Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” “Your first 1,000 photographs are your worst.” “The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.”

What is another way to say nice picture?

Synonyms for Nice photo

  1. good photo. n.
  2. nice picture. n.
  3. good picture. n.
  4. beautiful picture. n.
  5. great picture. n.
  6. great shot. n.
  7. pretty picture. n.
  8. great photo. n.

How do you say beautiful in a picture?

Ways to Say You Are Beautiful

  1. You look great.
  2. You look hot!
  3. I think you’re hot.
  4. You’re heavenly!
  5. You’re very pretty!
  6. You look so radiant.
  7. I think you are gorgeous.
  8. You are so adorable.

How do you describe a perfect picture?

Picture-perfect Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for picture-perfect?

perfect flawless
faultless impeccable
unblemished immaculate
ideal irreproachable
indefectible absolute

How do you compliment a DP?

Here are some exciting compliments that will leave him thinking of your the whole day.

  1. You are outstanding.
  2. You shine brighter than my future.
  3. Your smile makes me happy.
  4. My dream came true.
  5. Your love is divine.
  6. Hey!
  7. You always rock my world.
  8. Your surprising look sweeps me off my feet every time.