How do you write education qualifications on a resume?

How do you write education qualifications on a resume?

How to List Education on a ResumeStart with your most recent degree or education in progress.List the name of your school and its location.Provide dates attended and graduation date (or expected graduation date).Show off the degree you earned or are working on.Share your field of study.Mention your GPA (if it’s above 3.5).

What are your strongest skills?

The top ten skills graduate recruiters wantTeamwork. Negotiation and persuasion. Problem solving. Leadership. Organisation. Perseverance and motivation. Ability to work under pressure. Confidence.

What are special skills?

What are special skills? Special skills aren’t a whole set of skills that you’ve never heard of. Rather, they are often the rarer skills that most people don’t possess. This special skills often require training and are more tangible than other skills.

What are special skills and hobbies?

Examples of hobbies and interestsArtistic activities such as painting or graphic design.Community service.Cooking or baking.Examples of interests.Exercising and healthcare.Outdoor activities.Playing an instrument.Team or individual sports.

What are some unique hobbies?

Here are the 12 best unique hobbies:Stone skipping. If you love lakes, calm seas and open water, this is the best hobby for you.Competitive duck herding. The perfect hobby if you have a dog to help you herd.Stand up comedy. Tai Chi. Brewing Beer. Foraging. Metal Detecting. Live-Action Role Playing.

How can I write about my hobbies?

Pick only relevant hobbies and interests. Don’t add more than 3–5 hobbies or interests, and be as specific as possible, when necessary. Title that section in various ways: Hobbies & Interests, Personal Interests, Pastimes or Activities. Mention the list of personal interests and hobbies at the bottom of your resume.

What are the personal skills?

Personal skills are recognised as soft skills which are not easy to teach (although not impossible). They are also known as interpersonal or even ‘people’ skills. Examples include dependability, adaptability, motivation, problem-solving, and analytical skills.