How does Coleridge describe the pleasure dome in the 1st part?

How does Coleridge describe the pleasure dome in the 1st part?

The speaker describes the “stately pleasure-dome” built in Xanadu according to the decree of Kubla Khan, in the place where Alph, the sacred river, ran “through caverns measureless to man / Down to a sunless sea.” Walls and towers were raised around “twice five miles of fertile ground,” filled with beautiful gardens …

What kind of a pleasure palace did Kubla Khan order?

In a place called Xanadu, the Mongolian leader Kubla Khan ordered his servants to construct an impressive domed building for pleasure and recreation on the banks of the holy river Alph, which ran through a series of caves so vast that no one could measure them, and then down into an underground ocean.

What is the pleasure dome?

: a place of pleasurable entertainment or recreation : resort.

What is the central idea of Kubla Khan?

Poetic imagination One theory says that “Kubla Khan” is about poetry and the two sections discuss two types of poems. The power of the imagination is an important component to this theme. The poem celebrates creativity and how the poet is able to experience a connection to the universe through inspiration.

What are sinuous rills?

Sinuous rilles resemble winding river valleys on Earth. They are thought to be similar to flow channels created by lava flows on Earth, but the shape of these lunar valleys is more meandering, perhaps because ancient lunar lavas were much less viscous than those now known on Earth.

What Xanadu means?

luxurious place

Is Xanadu a color?

Xanadu. It’s a Chinese city, a 1980 musical flop, and the gray-green color of the philodendron leaf.

What colors do the 3 rods in our eyes see?

The human eye has over 100 million rod cells. Cones require a lot more light and they are used to see color. We have three types of cones: blue, green, and red.

Do rods see color?

These specialized cells are called photoreceptors. There are 2 types of photoreceptors in the retina: rods and cones. The rods are most sensitive to light and dark changes, shape and movement and contain only one type of light-sensitive pigment. Rods are not good for color vision.

Do humans see Colours differently?

Human tetrachromats cannot see beyond the normal visible light spectrum, but instead have an extra photoreceptor that is most sensitive to colour in the scale between red and green, making them more sensitive to all colours within the normal human range.

Can humans see all colors?

One million colors, that is the approximate number the typical human eye can see. But the ability to detect and discriminate colors is affected by the variety of cones in the eye. Dogs, and the majority of mammals for example, have only two types of cones, so they are known as dichromats.

What can the human eye not see?

The human eye can only see visible light, but light comes in many other “colors”—radio, infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma-ray—that are invisible to the naked eye. On one end of the spectrum there is infrared light, which, while too red for humans to see, is all around us and even emitted from our bodies.

Can IR light hurt your eyes?

Prolonged exposure to IR radiation causes a gradual but irreversible opacity of the lens. Other forms of damage to the eye from IR exposure include scotoma, which is a loss of vision due to the damage to the retina. Even low-level IR absorption can cause symptoms such as redness of the eye, swelling, or hemorrhaging.