How does Friar Laurence contribute to the catastrophe in Romeo and Juliet?

How does Friar Laurence contribute to the catastrophe in Romeo and Juliet?

Answer Expert Verified. He marries Romeo and Juliet in secret. He provides Juliet with the potion. These two actions of Friar Laurence contributed to the catastrophe in Romeo and Juliet.

Why was Friar John stopped when trying to deliver the letter to Romeo?

Friar John tells Friar Laurence that he was unable to deliver the letter because he stopped to ask another Friar to go with him to Mantua, and in that other town, the officials would not let them leave because they feared the Friars had come into contact with a deadly plague.

What role does the apothecary play in Romeo and Juliet?

In Act V, scene i of Romeo and Juliet, what role does the Apothecary play in the catastrophe? He sells romeo to the fatal poison.

How do the Montague and Capulet families contribute to the catastrophe in Romeo and Juliet by carrying on a violent feud?

The hatred between the Montagues and the Capulets, the two noble families in Verona, is the linchpin in the story, which causes all the dominoes to keep falling, and finally stops with the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The ongoing feud is the cause of all the other instances in the play.

Which is the best paraphrase of Romeo’s lines?

The best paraphrase of Romeo’s lines is: Your love and concern are the sources of my sadness.

How does the complication contribute to the central conflict of the play?

How does this complication contribute to the central conflict of the play? When Romeo is forced to leave the city, he is unable to defeat his enemy. When Romeo is forced to leave the city, his marriage to Juliet is strained. When Romeo is punished, he vows to seek revenge against the prince.

What complication is introduced in the excerpt Tybalt is trying to start a sword fight with Romeo?

Tybalt is looking for Romeo to fight him for attending the Capulet ball uninvited. Because the Capulets and Montagues are in a family feud, Romeo “crashing” the party is disrespectful and forbidden. Because of this, Romeo doesn’t want to fight Tybalt, but he can’t tell him why.

How does this complication contribute to the central conflict of the play when Romeo kills Tybalt?

How does this complication contribute to the central conflict of the play? When Romeo kills Tybalt, he increases the friction with Juliet’s family.

Why does Shakespeare include Mercutio teasing?

Shakespeare included Mercutio’s teasing words to contrast the seriousness of Tybalt’s challenge. We are referring to the play “Romeo and Juliet”, written by William Shakespeare. Benvolio says “Tybalt, the kinsman of old Capulet. Hath sent a letter to his father house.

Who do Benvolio and Mercutio believe Romeo is in love with?


Why is Mercutio upset with Romeo?

Mercutio is disgusted by Romeo’s abandonment of traditionally masculine aggression. Tybalt does not understand why Romeo will not respond to his dueling challenge — a traditional mechanism to assert and protect masculine nobility.

What does Mercutio say about Romeo?

Mercutio seems to be saying that dreams are like illusions meant to tempt men’s souls but fall apart when he wakes. There is some pretty strong intensity here. Is Mercutio saying that Romeo’s dreams of the perfect love are merely illusions meant to enslave him.

What is the relationship between Mercutio and Romeo?

Mercutio’s relationship with Romeo is that of Romeo’s best friend, but beyond that, Mercutio also serves as Romeo’s dramatic foil. Mercutio is the exact opposite of Romeo, and his lewd and humorous nature contrasts against Romeo’s serious and devoted nature.

Who is at fault for Mercutio’s death?

Tybalt is to blame for Mercutio’s death, because Tybalt is the one who stabs him with his rapier: “Tybalt under Romeo’s arm thrusts Mercutio in and flies” (lines 89-90). Tybalt begins the quarrel by insulting Romeo, saying, “thou art a villain” (line 60).

What is Mercutio’s purpose?

Mercutio intends to mock Romeo as a dreamer in a sarcastic way. His dream lover, Rosaline, does not even know the existence of Romeo. Through Mercutio’s dramatic using of words and obvious personality, Romeo and Juliet becomes more energetic and lively. Secondly, Mercutio plays a crucial role in the play.

What is Mercutio’s personality?

‘Loyal,’ ‘devoted,’ ‘funny’ and ‘witty’ are just a few of the words that describe Romeo’s best friend, Mercutio, in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. He is neither a Montague nor a Capulet, but he is more than just an interested party in the epic family feud.

How does Mercutio describe love?

Speak but one rhyme and I am satisfied. Mercutio is an anti-romantic character who, like Juliet’s Nurse, regards love as an exclusively physical pursuit. If love be rough with you, be rough with love; Prick love for pricking and you beat love down.

Is Mercutio loyal?

Mercutio is loyal when Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt, as he decides to fight Tybalt instead. This is because he cannot stand to see Romeo’s honour jeopardised in the face of his enemy.

Is Mercutio bipolar?

Mercutio’s a somewhat bipolar young man who’s grappling with sexual identity and all kinds of things. It’s exhausting, the amount of energy and focus you put into that.