How does Macbeth persuade the murderers?

How does Macbeth persuade the murderers?

How Macbeth persuade the murderers to kill Banquo? He convinces them by talking about how good they would feel to get rid of the man who pushed them towards an early grave and put their families in poverty forever. He tells them that unless they are the worst, most scared type of man they should be able to kill him.

What does the wolf symbolize in Macbeth?

As a matter of fact, in the same way as wolves hunt in packs, Macbeth and his wife “hunt” Duncan together. Wolves are also symbols of greed and cruelty. In the past, wolves were considered responsible for the loss of sheep and tragic events. In the play, they are associated to Macbeth and his evil deeds.

Who else does Macbeth tell the murderers to kill?


How does Macbeth convince the murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance What reason does he give for wanting to keep secret his connection with the murderers?

How does Macbeth try to persuade the murderers to kill Banquo? Why? He lies and tells them that Banquo was responsible for their ruination and downfall. He does this so they have a personal interest in killing Banquo and to try to get them to agree to kill Banquo.

What reason does Macbeth give the hired assassins for their taking revenge?

English: Macbeth Study Guide

Why is Scotland at war at the opening of the play? Rebels have come and attacked them
What reasons does Macbeth give the hired assassins for their taking revenge? Banquo had done them wrong in the past

Why does Macbeth hesitate killing Duncan?

Macbeth hesitates to kill Duncan because he has a change of mind. He begins thinking about the fact that Duncan has recently honored him by promoting him to the position of Thane of Cawdor. Of course, Macbeth’s decision to not kill King Duncan is overruled by Lady Macbeth.

What omen of death does Lady Macbeth hear?

Macbeth Act 2

What “cursed thoughts” does Banquo have? he is suspicious of Macbeth
What omen of death does Lady Macbeth hear? the screeching of an owl (sign of death)
Why does Lady Macbeth say she didn’t commit the murder herself? sleeping Duncan looked like her father

Why is Hecate so upset?

Why is Hecate angry with the witches? She feels they gave an unworthy man a prophecy, and they did not consult her. It is part of Macbeth’s conscience or the ghost is real and reflects the elements of witchcraft and evil in the play..

Who is Hecate why is she angry?

Who is Hecate and why is she angry? She’s the goddess of witcraft. She is mad at the witches because they were medding in the business of Macbeth without consulting her.

What is man’s chiefest enemy?


Why does Hecate tell the witches off?

Hecate is the Witches’ mistress. She appears briefly to scold them for dealing with Macbeth without her say so. She thinks Macbeth is ungrateful and doesn’t deserve their help. She warns the Witches that she will set up illusions to confuse Macbeth and give him a false sense of security.

Who does Lennox accuse of murdering Banquo?


Who does Lennox think killed Duncan?

What does Lennox think about Macbeth, Fleance, and Duncan’s sons? He thinks Macbeth is the “good guy,” Fleance killed Banquo, and Duncan’s sons killed the king.

Where does Macduff go and why?

He reveals that he will not be attending the coronation of Macbeth and will instead return to his home in Fife. However, Macduff flees to England to join Malcolm, the slain King Duncan’s elder son, and convinces him to return to Scotland and claim the throne.

Why is Macduff guilty?

When he learns of the murders of his wife and family, Macduff feels guilty about leaving them and driven by a need for revenge. According to the Witches’ prediction, Macduff is the only one who can stop Macbeth.

How does Macbeth persuade the murderers that Banquo is an enemy to them all I 75 83 How does Macbeth then persuade the murderers that they should kill Banquo?

How does Macbeth try to persuade the murderers to kill Banquo? He lies and tells them that Banquo was responsible for their ruination and downfall. He does this so they have a personal interest in killing Banquo and to try to get them to agree to kill Banquo.

How does Macbeth further convince the murderers that this is a justified crime?

He’s questioning their masculinity. How does Macbeth further convince the murderers that this is a justified crime? Macbeth says Banquo is their enemy but doesn’t give a reason why. Macbeth takes charge in the planning and tells Lady Macbeth not inquire in the details.

How does Macbeth get the two murderers to agree to kill Banquo?

Macbeth persuades the murderers to kill Banquo by telling them that Banquo is their enemy. When we first see Macbeth with the murderers, he reminds them that he has already talked to them and explained everything to them. Banquo is their enemy, not Macbeth.

Who didn’t attend the banquet which causes Macbeth to become suspicious?

Macduff refuses to go to Macbeth’s coronation, because Macduff is suspicious of Macbeth. Macduff is the only person to question why Macbeth killed the two guards. They are witnesses to the crime, and information could have been gotten from them. Macduff shows his suspicion by questioning Macbeth.

What wordplay is there in the murderer’s reply that Banquo is safe now?

What wordplay is there in the murderer’s reply that Banquo is “safe” now? Macbeth asks if “Banquo’s safe,” meaning is he safely taken care of- dead. The murderer replies that he is “safe in a ditch . . .with twenty gashes on his head.” The use of the word “safe” in these instances is doubly ironic.

Who became angry with the three witches?
