How does the first paragraph of the dark game best support the central idea that the Civil War was a long war quizlet?

How does the first paragraph of the dark game best support the central idea that the Civil War was a long war quizlet?

How does the first paragraph of The Dark Game best support the central idea that the Civil War was a long war? -It shares the detail that the war lasted four years. -It states what people believed about the war at the time.

How do you find the central idea of a story?

It is easy to identify a main idea that is directly expressed in the text. Main ideas are often found at the beginning of paragraphs. The first sentence often explains the subject being discussed in the passage. Main ideas are also found in the concluding sentences of a paragraph.

What is the central message of a story called?

Say, “In a story, the important pieces of information are called key details. The big idea that the story is about is called the central message. Sometimes a story is about a lesson, or something the author wants us to learn.

What does the moral of a story mean?

A moral (from Latin morālis) is a message that is conveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The moral may be left to the hearer, reader, or viewer to determine for themselves, or may be explicitly encapsulated in a maxim. A moral is a lesson in a story or in real life.

What is the moral of two stories about flying?

This story is based on the inner strength one is having, which can make that person very strong but when a person is not aware about his inner strength or is afraid of taking his first step then sometimes this inner strength gets perish out. So, we should always dare to do new things rather than overthinking.

What was Wanda’s full name?

Elezabeth olsen

Who is the mother of his first flight?

In the story His First Flight, the mother seagull is portrayed as a tough but motivating character. She understood that her little one needed a lot of motivation to achieve its goal of flying. Initially, she tried threatening the young seagull in many ways but to no avail.

What food did the seagull’s mother get for it?

Answer. Answer: The young seagulls were afraid of flying over sea, the young seagull’s mother tore a fish piece at her feet and compelled to fly over the sea to get the food.

Why did the seagull dive towards his mother?

The seagull dived towards his mother because he wanted the fish in his mother’s beak.

What was seagull afraid of?

Ans- The young seagull was afraid to fly because he felt certain that his wings would never support him to fly. He was frightened to see the sea around him. He was afraid that he would fall down into the sea.

Why did Seagull not go with rest of the family?

the young seagull did not go with his family because he was afraid of flying. He thought that his wings will not support him. The seagulls parents made him fly by luring him by food.

Why did the seagull dive at the fish?

➠The seagull dive at the fish because he was afraid of falling down. The mother gull realized that the need to fly would make the little one do so. She took a piece of fish and started approaching him.

What happens when the seagull soared upwards?

Answer. Answer: the waves push the air upwards as they move and they albatrosses stay in that rising air.

What happened after the seagull’s feet sank into the sea?

(c) What happened after the seagull’s feet into the sea ? When the seagull’s feet sank into sea, his belly touched teh water and he sank no futher. He was then floating on the sea.

What was the family offering him to eat?

Explanation: The members of his family cheered him on, and they and screamed in joy. Everybody praised him, and they offered him the scraps of the dogfish as a reward for flying successfully. The young seagull was afraid of flying, and he finally overcame his fear.

How was the bird treated by his family over his first flight?

Answer. The family celebrated by screaming,praising him and offering him scraps of dog-fish. As he started to fly all his family members flew towards him curveting , banking, soaring and diving around him. The family celebrated by screaming,praising him and offering him scraps of dog-fish.