How French words are pronounced?

How French words are pronounced?


Vowel Pronunciation Tips French Example
e When placed in the middle of a syllable, sounds like ai in “fair” mer (sea)
e When placed at the end of a syllable, sounds like -e- in “her” le (the)
e silent at the end of a word tasse (cup)
é like “ay” été (summer)

How do you say keria?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Keria. Kear-Ra. ke-ri-a. Ke-ria. Key-air-a Keria. Add phonetic spelling.
  2. Meanings for Keria. A feminine name that is of English origin. Moon beam/ light in the dark. Moon beams/ light in the dark. Add a meaning.
  3. Examples of in a sentence.
  4. Translations of Keria. Russian : Кериа Translate this word/phrase.

What is the opposite word of Princess?

What is the opposite of princess?

lady gentlewoman
dame peeress
milady noblewoman

What is Prince Charming syndrome?

In a phenomenon colloquially dubbed “Prince Charming Syndrome”, a British report has found that 20 per cent of women aged 18 to 34 rely on their husband or partner to provide for them in retirement. The trend, which has left financial advisers pursing their lips in dismay, is not restricted to Britain.

What is the female version of Prince Charming?

Princess Charming

What is the meaning of Princess Charming?

1 (in Britain) a daughter of the sovereign or of one of the sovereign’s sons. 2 a nonreigning female member of a sovereign family. 3 the wife and consort of a prince. 4 any very attractive or outstanding woman.

What is the meaning of my princess?

n. 1 (in Britain) a daughter of the sovereign or of one of the sovereign’s sons. 2 a nonreigning female member of a sovereign family. 3 the wife and consort of a prince. 4 any very attractive or outstanding woman.

What is the meaning of charming?

: extremely pleasing or delightful : entrancing a charming restaurant has such charming manners.

Does charming mean good looking?

Good-looking adjective – Very pleasing to look at. Charming is a synonym for good-looking in attractive topic. Sometimes you can use “Charming” instead an adjective phrase “Good-looking”.

Does charming mean attractive?

If you say that something is charming, you mean that it is very pleasant or attractive.

How do you describe a charming person?

“A charming person is someone who can be okay even when external factors, such as the surroundings and environment, are challenging,” says psychologist Dr. Iris Pachler over email. “They’re able to find peace and strength from within and also have the ability to be flexible and accepting no matter the situation.”

How do you say someone is good-looking?


  1. attractive.
  2. bonny.
  3. comely.
  4. easy on the eyes.
  5. fine-looking.
  6. good-looking.
  7. gorgeous.
  8. handsome.