How is an artifact used in a story?

How is an artifact used in a story?

An artifact is used during the exposition of a story to provide important details about the characters and the plot. An artifact may be defined as an object of specific cultural or historical importance. These objects can reveal insights into distant civilizations or those that have since disappeared.

How is an artifact with special meaning used in a story?

Symbolism is used in literature when some things are not to be taken literally. The symbols can be things such as an object, person, situation, events or actions that have a deeper meaning in context.

What can an author use as a literary artifact?

word choice, sentence structure, or dialogue d. characters, plot, or the setting of a story.

What can an author use to give the reader more information about a character?

To give the reader more information about the character, the author can: (c) give information about events in a story that are true. These will help to know more about the character if the facts are related to him.

How can an author reveal more information about a character?

An author can reveal character traits by using different methods of characterization (i.e. thoughts, quotes, actions, values). The actions and perception of the character by other characters can be interpreted to reveal more information about a character’s personality and backstory as well.

What are the five ways the author reveals character?


  • 1: Learn from rich direct characterization examples.
  • 2: Use subtler indirect character portrayal.
  • 3: Using dialogue to reveal characters’ personalities and interests.
  • 4: Show characters through their actions.
  • 5: Show readers your characters’ most private thoughts.

What are 4 ways authors develop their characters?

Ways in which an author develops a character are with physical description, behavior, insight into the character’s thought processes through dialogue or narration, and insight through the opinions of other characters in a story.

How is character revealed in a story?

Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character. Characterization is revealed through direct characterization and indirect characterization. Direct Characterization tells the audience what the personality of the character is.

What do you call the most important character in a story?

Protagonist: The main character of the story is the protagonist.

How do you describe a protagonist in a story?

Protagonist comes from a Greek word for the principal actor in a drama. In modern literature, the protagonist drives the story forward by pursuing a goal. The protagonist of a story is sometimes called the main character. The protagonist of a story is opposed by an antagonist.

How do you describe the main character of a story?

A main character is a person in a story whose desires, motivations, fears and conflicts are key to the story’s development. For example, in an adventure/quest novel, a Robinson Crusoe who washes up on an unknown island. This character is the focus. Secondary characters may be important too.

How do you describe someone examples?

Here are a few example phrases to describe a person in English:

  • We look very ______.
  • He/She is very ______.
  • I think they are ______.
  • I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but you are very ______.
  • Hopefully you don’t take this the wrong way, but I think you’re ______.
  • I don’t mean to sound rude, but you look very ______.

How do you introduce a story?

10 good ways to start a story

  1. Spark a reader’s interest. At the start of a story, all you want is for readers to read on.
  2. Put a character in a setting.
  3. Introduce a main character.
  4. Start with action.
  5. Hook them in.
  6. Make it clear.
  7. Have a distinctive voice.
  8. Make it dynamic.

How do you describe an antagonist?

a person who is opposed to, struggles against, or competes with another; opponent; adversary. the adversary of the hero or protagonist of a drama or other literary work: Iago is the antagonist of Othello.

What is another name for antagonist?

What is another word for antagonist?

adversary rival
opponent foe
enemy competitor
contender opposer
competition opposition

What are examples of antagonists?

The antagonist can be one character or a group of characters. In traditional narratives, the antagonist is synonymous with “the bad guy.” Examples of antagonists include Iago from William Shakespeare’s Othello, Darth Vader from the original Star Wars trilogy, and Lord Voldemort from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series.

What are examples of antagonists and how does it work?

The most basic example of an antagonist is a classic villain like Darth Vader, which stands in direct opposition to a clear hero, like Luke Skywalker. Antagonists can also be more complex—they may be forces of nature, and even the protagonist themself can create their own conflict.

How do you write a climax?

5 Tips for Improving Your Story’s Climax

  1. Write the end first. Often during the writing process, tension evaporates in the middle of a novel, so it’s a good idea to write your ending first.
  2. Use a prologue to hint at your climax.
  3. Think of your storyline as a path.
  4. Use a crucible.
  5. Remember genre.

What is meant by Climax?

English Language Learners Definition of climax (Entry 1 of 2) : the most exciting and important part of a story, play, or movie that occurs usually at or near the end. : the most interesting and exciting part of something : the high point. : the most intense point of sexual pleasure.

What is the correct definition of the climax in a story?

What Is the Climax of a Story? In literary terms, the definition of climax is the highest point of tension in a storyline, often depicted by a confrontation between the protagonist and antagonist.

What does floe mean?

1 : floating ice formed in a large sheet on the surface of a body of water.