How is Edmonds able to escape from the Confederate Army and rejoin her superiors on the union side?

How is Edmonds able to escape from the Confederate Army and rejoin her superiors on the union side?

How is Edmonds able to escape from the Confederate Army and rejoin her superiors on the Union side? She rides off as soon as she is given her horse, crossing enemy lines into Union. In the heat of battle, she manages to cross over to the Union side, where an. officer recognizes her.

How does Edmonds end up as a soldier in the Confederate Army after going to Lebanon Kentucky?

Edmonds willingly volunteers to serve, knowing it will give her the chance to gather important information thereby she ends up as a soldier in the Confederate Army after going to Lebanon, Kentucky.

What is one central idea of Nurse and Spy in the Union Army?

The Central idea of the memoir “Nurse and Spy in the Union Army” was the display of virtue, patriotism, and philanthropy, which are necessary in a war situation.

Which detail from Nurse and Spy in the Union Army helps shape the central idea that being a spy is quite dangerous?

Which detail from Nurse and Spy in the Union Army helps shape the central idea that being a spy is quite dangerous ? The writer notes that she trusted in [her] resourcefulness to escape” when forced to join the Confederate Army.

Who was a famous female spy during the Civil War?

Rebel Rose” Greenhow

What did spies do in the Civil War?

Spies played an important role in the civil war for both sides, gathering intelligence and scouting opposing troop movements and numbers.

How did Clara Barton and Dorothea Dix help the Union cause during the Civil War?

Dorothea Dix and Clara Barton were both known for their work as nurses in the Civil War. When the Civil War broke out, she was appointed the head of nurses for the Union Army. She did not do particularly well in this job and had much power taken away from her during the war.

Why is Clara Barton a hero?

When Miss Barton joined as nurse, she was out in charge of helping the wounded soldiers from the Union Army also to scout for missing soldiers. She helped to heal many wounded soldiers, making her a hero, and earning the nickname, “The Angel on the Battlefield”.

Which side was Clara Barton on in the Civil War?

Clara Barton was an independent nurse during the Civil War. While visiting Europe, she worked with a relief organization known as the International Red Cross and lobbied for an American branch when she returned home. The American Red Cross was founded in 1881, and Barton served as its first president.

How many soldiers did Clara Barton save?

Through her work, she and her staff were able to identify around 22,000 missing soldiers, and the DC office where she worked is now a museum.

What were Clara Barton’s last words?

Clara lived to be 91. Her last words: “Let me go.”

What was Clara Barton’s nickname?


What battle was the bloodiest of the Civil War?


What is the bloodiest day in American history?


Who was the last soldier killed in the Civil War?

John Jefferson Williams

Did anyone fight in both wars?

Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart was a one-eyed, one-handed war hero who fought in three major conflicts across six decades, surviving plane crashes and PoW camps. His story is like something out of a Boy’s Own comic. Carton de Wiart served in the Boer War, World War One and World War Two.

Is anyone still alive from ww1?

The last living veteran of World War I was Florence Green, a British citizen who served in the Allied armed forces, and who died 4 February 2012, aged 110. There were approximately 9,750,103 military deaths during the conflict.