How is John Proctor a good person?

How is John Proctor a good person?

Honest, upright, and blunt-spoken, Proctor is a good man, but one with a secret, fatal flaw. Proctor redeems himself and provides a final denunciation of the witch trials in his final act. Offered the opportunity to make a public confession of his guilt and live, he almost succumbs, even signing a written confession.

What does the quote indicate about John Proctor’s character?

What does this say about his character? This quote shows a lot about John Proctor’s character. He is a man who has done some sinful things, but he is truly trying to better himself in his own eyes and the lord’s.

How is Proctor stubborn?

At the beginning of the book, John Proctor is globally presented as a stubborn man who doesn’t care about his society and her values. He doesn’t show respect to Elizabeth by having an affair with his servant Abigail. Nevertheless, even though John Proctor acts like an outsider in the Salem community, he is not all bad.

Is the crucible easy to read?

Is the crucible easy to read? The Crucible is a very well written book. It is written in the form of a play, and its language has a seventeenth century style. The vocabulary is advanced enough for English III students, and the level of difficulty is just right.

Is the crucible a good play?

Arthur Miller’s Tony Award-winning play is profoundly powerful in its message, as a stage play, and as a piece of literature. Though THE CRUCIBLE was meant to be staged, reading the work offers Miller’s lengthy, analytical stage directions and explanations of the time period, characters, and context of the events.

Is the crucible appropriate for high school?

The Crucible is extremely appropriate for use in the high school or college classroom. It is not difficult to read; it has an exciting plot; the characters and their relationships are intriguing; its themes are timely; and it allows students the opportunity to respond in terms of their own experiences.

What does the crucible have to say to us today?

The Crucible is related to modern times because even though it takes place in the seventeenth century, it describes a pattern of behavior we still see in moral panics today—namely, the potential for fear to become hysteria and end in tragedy.

Why do people continue to read study and perform it what makes the crucible relevant from decade to decade?

What makes The Crucible relevant from decade to decade? People continue to read and study the drama to value and understand history and the effects of hysteria on humans lives. The Crucible remains relevant with its versatile with the lessons instilled in the play.