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How is the Squire described in Canterbury Tales?

How is the Squire described in Canterbury Tales?

The Squire is a young knight in training, a member of the noble class. While he is chivalrous and genteel, he is not quite as perfect as his father, the Knight, as he wears fine clothes and is vain about his appearance. The Squire is being trained in both the arts of battle and the arts of courtly love.

What do we learn about the Squire how is he similar to and different from his father?

How does the squire’s appearance differ from his father’s? the son wore finer clothing than his father, Knight- stained clothing, and very simple doesn’t think of how he’s dressed, Squire- colorful clothing, curly hair, trinkets cares about appearance.

What is ironic about the knight in the Canterbury Tales?

The Knight is the first of all the pilgrims to share his tale. In his story, inmates Arcite and Palamon love Emelye, but hate each other. The dramatic irony used in the Knight’s tale is Chaucer’s way of pointing out that life is unpredictable, isn’t fair and comes with joys and sorrows.

1) They are family, the knight is the squire’s father. 2) The Squire and Knight are both chivalrous and respectful, though the Squire is to a much lesser degree. 3)They are both courteous and humble, too. 4)Both the Knight and the squire are members of the Aristocrat class.

What does the narrator mean in saying these lines from the prologue?

What does the narrator mean in the Prologue when he says the following about the Friar? But anywhere a profit might accrue / Courteous he was and lowly of service too. The Friar helps people when he can make money doing it. He wants his parishioners to give him plenty of their money.

What is the main point or moral of the Wife of Bath’s Tale?

But whereas the moral of the folk tale of the loathsome hag is that true beauty lies within, the Wife of Bath arrives at such a conclusion only incidentally. Her message is that, ugly or fair, women should be obeyed in all things by their husbands.

What is the reward for the best tale in Canterbury Tales?

In Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, the prize for telling the best tale on their pilgrimage was a free dinner, paid for by all who are going on the journey to Canterbury. It is the Innkeeper who comes up with the idea to offer a prize.

What does a lad of fire mean?

Driven, motivated, fearless

Which is the best Canterbury Tale?

The Miller’s Tale. And Nicholas amydde the ers he smoot … Perhaps the most famous – and best-loved – of all of the tales in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, ‘The Miller’s Tale’ is told as a comic corrective following the sonorous seriousness of the Knight’s tale.

Which two pilgrims does the narrator characterize as obsessed with money?

Even though he had nice equipment and fine horses, his clothes were smudged and tatted which showed his capability of fighting. 3. Which two pilgrims does the narrator characterize as obsessed with money? The doctor and the pardoner 4.

What is the theme of Canterbury Tales?

Social satire is the major theme of The Canterbury Tales. The medieval society was set on three foundations: the nobility, the church, and the peasantry. Chaucer’s satire targets all segments of the medieval social issues, human immorality, and depraved heart.

Why did the rioters go looking for death?

Why are the three rioters looking for Death? They are looking for Death because a boy told them it was death who killed the person in the coffin and other people in town. They expect to find Death sitting there under the tree, but instead they find treasure.

Who you think is to blame for the rioters deaths themselves or death in other words who is the main antagonist explain?

In other words, who is the main antagonist? Explain. The rioters are responsible for their own death. The main antagonist is greed.

What finally happens to the rioters How does it happen?

What finally happens to the rioters? How does this happen? They all plot to kill each other so the other can have all the gold to himself. Death ends up killing them.

What are the 3 rioters doing at the beginning of the story?

At the beginning of the Pardoner’s Tale, we meet three party boys who spend all their time in the taverns, drinking, gambling, and whoring around. The Three Rioters see a corpse go by one day and learn that it is the body of a friend of theirs, killed by Death.

How does the Wife of Bath’s tale end?

The two have a long, happy marriage, and the woman becomes completely obedient to her husband. The Wife of Bath concludes with a plea that Jesus Christ send all women husbands who are young, meek, and fresh in bed, and the grace to outlive their husbands.

What piece of moral advice does the old man give the three?

The old man tells the three men that if they want to find death, they have to first “turn up this crooked way” because “Death” was hiding under the oak tree over there. Under a tree, and there he will abide; Nor for your boasts will he a moment hide. See you that oak?

What do the three rioters swear to do?

The three rioters swear to kill Death. The gold under the tree will lead to the deaths of thee three rioters, so in a sense, death is under the tree.

What do the three rioters find instead of death?

What is ironic about the rioters finding gold? The expect money to solve their problems but instead it brings them death.

What does the capital F in Fortune tell you?

The capital F implies personification of Fortune. All three rioters make frequent references to religion.

How is the story ironic and The Pardoner’s relationship to the story ironic?

The irony of the Pardoner’s tale is that he preaches on the very sin he commits. The irony is that the Pardoner’s tale is all about how greed is the root of evil. In the story, all the men die because of their greed and selfishness.

What sin does the Pardoner admit he is guilty of?

In his prologue, the Pardoner confesses that he is a fraud motivated by greed and avarice and that he is guilty of all seven sins. Even though he is essentially a hypocrite in his profession, he is at least being honest as he makes his confession.

What is ironic about line 166 No longer was it death These followers sought?

What is ironic about line 166? The young men no longer seek Death to kill him, but they have probably found the instrument of their own Death in the gold coins. 10.

What does the devil’s clay mean?

to murder for gold

How does the Friar spend the money he earns through hearing confessions?

How does the Friar spend the money he earns through hearing confessions? He spends his money on drinking and gifts for women. Reread lines 237-263. He uses his position to gain money; he does not associate with the poor or unfortunate members of society.

How does the monk respond to the teasing of the host?

The Host sees them as lecherous and dishonest. He also feels that many of the best potential fathers are joining the Church. 4. The Monk responds patiently; he does not seem upset.