How many conjunctions are there in English?

How many conjunctions are there in English?

seven coordinating conjunctions

What are the 5 types of conjunctions?

Types of Conjunction

  • Coordinating Conjunction.
  • Subordinating Conjunction.
  • Correlative Conjunction.

What are the 3 types of conjunction?

Following are brief overviews of the three types of conjunctions: coordinating, subordinate (subordinating), and correlative.

What is conjunction give 5 examples?

He had climbed many mountains when he was a boy. You are very late so that we can not start the lesson. I don’t know whether she’ll be admitted to the university. He had climbed many mountains when he was a boy. You don’t need to go unless you want to.

What is conjunction word?

Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or clauses together.

What is a conjunction for kids?

Conjunctions are words that connect or link phrases, sentences, clauses, or words together. You can think of this words as words that join phrases or different parts of a sentence together. Common conjunctions include the following: -and. -but.

What’s another word for conjunction?

What is another word for conjunction?

combination concurrence
alliance meeting
partnership coincidence
coexistence agreement
affiliation convergency

How can I learn conjunctions in English?


  1. 1 Coordinating conjunctions – these connect words, phrases or clauses that are independent or equal; and, but, so, for, yet, not.
  2. 2 Correlative conjunctions – these are always used in pairs; both/and, either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also.
  3. And – in addition to.
  4. But – connects to opposite things.

How do you introduce conjunctions to students?

Have students write down all the words they can think of that are conjunctions. Remove duplicates, give them some example sentences using a different conjunction, and ask for more. You can also add a new conjunction into the sentence and let the kids pick it out. Then create a wall with all the suggestions.

What age do you learn conjunctions?

Conjunctions. Between 25 and 27 months, toddlers begin to use the conjunction and to list two things. For example, at snack time, twenty-six-month-old Avery said, “Juice and cookie.” Younger toddlers list things by saying the names of the two things one after the other as “Coat.

How do conjunctions help students?

Conjunctions are an important part of speech that connect two ideas together. When students know how to combine sentences, their writing variety and quality increases. Check out these tips for teaching sentence combining in the classroom, or assign some sentence combining worksheets for extra practice.

Why we use conjunctions for kids?

A conjunction is a word that joins together words, phrases, or parts of sentences. The three most-used conjunctions are and, or, and but. Conjunctions can join words together, like in this sentence: I’d like five peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, please.

How do you teach conjunctions of time?

Before, after and until With before and after, either the main clause or the subordinate clause can come first: [event 1]She’ll pick you up before [event 2]she comes here. After [event 1]she comes here, [event 2]she’ll pick you up. Until as a time conjunction means up to a time in the past or future.

How do you teach so conjunctions?

Have your students sit in a circle and write all the words they can think of that are conjunctions on the blackboard. After removing some duplicates, encourage them to think outside the box. Provide some example sentences using different conjunctions, and have students identify the conjunctions.

What is a conjunction Year 1?

When we write a sentence we always use a capital letter at the start and punctuation at the end (usually a full stop). We also often use joining words when writing sentences. Joining words are also known as conjunctions. Watch this short video to find out more about joining words.

How do you use a conjunction but?

The conjunction but is used to suggest a contrast.

  1. It was a sunny day, but the wind was cold. (Here the second clause suggests a contrast that is unexpected in the light of the first clause.)
  2. The stick was thin but it was strong.
  3. He was ill but he went to work.
  4. She is poor but honest.

Is both a conjunction word?

As a conjunction, ‘both’ should only be used with ‘and’; its use with other conjunctive phrases (e.g., “as well as” and “along with”) is not preferred. In the examples below, “both…and” is used as a conjunction relating two nouns, two adjectives, and two verbs, respectively.

What are joining words called?

A CONJUNCTION is a word that connects or joins together words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. There are two kinds of conjunctions, a primary class of COORDINATING conjunctions and a secondary class called SUBORDINATING or SUBORDINATE conjunctions.

What are joining words in English?

They join together words, group of words or sentences. Such joining words are called Conjunctions. The word that joins words or two sentences is called conjunction. Conjunction is an important part of grammar that helps us form complex sentences with ease.