How many Golgi apparatus are in a leaf cell?

How many Golgi apparatus are in a leaf cell?

The number of compartments in any one Golgi apparatus is usually between 3 and 8. The number of sets of Golgi apparatus in a cell can be as few as 1, as in many animal cells, or many hundreds as in some plant cells.

Why do plant cells have many Golgi bodies?

Answer Expert Verified. plant cell can contain as many as several hundred smaller versions. The Golgi apparatus receiver proteins and lipids from the rough endoplasmic reticulum. It modifies some of them and sort concentrates and packs them into sealed droplets called vesicles.

What are examples of Microfilaments?

Four remarkable examples include red blood cells, human embryonic kidney cells, neurons, and sperm cells. In red blood cells, a spectrin-actin hexagonal lattice is formed by interconnected short actin filaments.

What is Microfilament structure?

Microfilaments, also called actin filaments, are polymers of the protein actin that are part of a cell’s cytoskeleton. They are long chains of G-actin formed into two parallel polymers twisted around each other into a helical orientation with a diameter between 6 and 8nm.

What is the main function of the Microfilament?

Microfilaments assist with cell movement and are made of a protein called actin. Actin works with another protein called myosin to produce muscle movements, cell division, and cytoplasmic streaming. Microfilaments keep organelles in place within the cell.

What structure is responsible for cytoplasmic streaming?

Cytoplasmic streaming, also called protoplasmic streaming and cyclosis, is the flow of the cytoplasm inside the cell, driven by forces from the cytoskeleton. It is likely that its function is, at least in part, to speed up the transport of molecules and organelles around the cell.

Are cheek epidermal cells capable of Cyclosis?

Are epidermal cheek cells capable of movement? No.

Does amoeba use cytoplasmic streaming?

Cytoplasmic streaming is the movement of cytoplasm within a living cell. In some unicellular organisms, such as amoeba, it provides the mechanism for cell locomotion. It is thought that microfilaments provide the driving force for, and control the direction of, the streaming.

What is Cyclosis process?

Cytoplasmic streaming, commonly referred to as cyclosis, is the process by which the fluid cytoplasm inside a given cell is moved around in currents, carrying nutrients, proteins, and organelles through the cell – and allowing certain simple single-celled organisms to move.

What is Cyclosis give example?

cyclosis sīklō´sĭs [key], streaming of cytoplasm within a living cell without deformation of the external cell membrane. Examples of cells in which cyclosis can be seen are the leaf cells of small aquatic plants, such as Elodea, and root hair cells of many plants.

Where is Cyclosis found?

Cyclical streaming of the cytoplasm of plant cells, conspicuous in giant internodal cells of algae such as chara, in pollen tubes and in stamen hairs of tradescantia. Term also used to denote cyclical movement of food vacuoles from mouth to cytoproct in ciliate protozoa.